
„Retailing in the 21st Century“ gehört zu den 25 meist heruntergeladenen eBooks

Seit Erscheinen des von Professor Manfred Krafft und Professor Murali K. Mantrala herausgegebenen Buches „Retailing in the 21st Century" im November 2009 wurden bereits 60.000 Kapitel des eBook bei SpringerLink heruntergeladen. Damit gehört das Buch zu den Top 25% der heruntergeladenen eBooks in der bekannten Springer eBook Collection 2015. Hier geht's zum eBook .

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Social Media Marketing in der Hamburger Hafen-City

How Social Media is Changing Marketing – oder wie lassen sich hedonische Medienprodukte im Kontext digitaler sozialer Medien vermarkten? Dieser Fragestellung geht die erste DFG-finanzierte Forschergruppe mit einem Schwerpunkt im Marketing nach. Im Rahmen des Projekts trafen sich die Wissenschaftler Anfang Juli an der Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg, um den aktuellen Stand der Forschungsprojekte zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren.

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2016 Dissemination Award presented to Professor Manfred Krafft

During the previous week at a special session of the annual Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI), also held at Aston, Howard and Sally Stevens, co-founders of SEF, presented Professor Manfred Krafft with the 2016 Dissemination Award. Dr. Krafft is the first international recipient of this annual award, begun by a partnership between SEF and Neil Rackham to honor an individual who has advanced the sales profession through the sharing of sales specific research.

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MCM @ EMAC 2016 in Oslo

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference is one of the largest marketing conferences worldwide. This year, the conference took place at the Norwegian Business School in Oslo from May 24-27 with the leading theme “Marketing in the Age of Data”. A couple of MCM scholars participated in this conference and presented their latest research about the following topics:

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"Creating Marketing Magic" – MCM Scholars at the AMS Conference in Disney World

Mirja Bues (IFM) and Dr. Ann-Kristin Knapp (LMM) presented current research projects at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science. The topics of their talks covered participative pricing, the sales effect of brand names, and the development of a holistic survival strategy for brick-and-mortar retail firms in a digital age. The theme of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science focused on creating marketing magic, especially in terms of future trends.

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Dr. Lisette de Vries gewinnt 3. Platz für ihre Doktorarbeit

Bereits zum 8. Mal wurde auf der diesjährigen EMAC Konferenz in Oslo der Marketing Dissertationspreis vergeben. Die durch EMAC und McKinsey & Company initiierte Auszeichnung richtet sich an junge Talente im Marketingumfeld. Nach Jonne Guyt (Universität Tilburg (NL)) und Jannik Meyners von der Universität Hamburg erzielte Dr. Lisette de Vries (IWM) den mit 1000 € dotierten 3. Platz. 

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“Creating Marketing Magic“ – MCM Scholars awarded for their work at the AMS Conference in Disney World

Mirja Bues (IFM) and Dr. Ann-Kristin Knapp (LMM) presented current research projects at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science. The topics of their talks covered participative pricing, the sales effect of brand names, and the development of a holistic survival strategy for brick-and-mortar retail firms in a digital age. Furthermore, Prof. Hennig-Thurau was announced as the winner of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science’s Best Article of the Year Award and the work of Dr. Knapp as a track chair for this year’s conference was recognized by the community.

Read more about “Creating Marketing Magic“ – MCM Scholars awarded for their work at the AMS Conference in Disney World
