
Several MCM members participated in premiere global doctoral consortium by the American Marketing Association

The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium brings together doctoral students from leading business schools around the globe to facilitate learning and networking among doctoral students and faculty members. Faculty members are invited by the organizers to participate and the business schools can send one doctoral student to the Consortium. Thus, being part of the Consortium is a great honor for all participants.

Read more about Several MCM members participated in premiere global doctoral consortium by the American Marketing Association

Can the Metaverse save education? - Join our talk at the Immersive X conference for free!

Please join Educators-in-VR Founder Director Daniel Dyboski-Bryant and our XRLab@MCM's Research Executive Nilusha Aliman and Academic Director Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau on Thursday when they explore the powers of using VR in education and share their insights on how teaching can benefit from a virtual dimension!

Read more about Can the Metaverse save education? - Join our talk at the Immersive X conference for free!

Doctoral Colloquium of the IfM at the Department of Marketing of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

In the middle of September, Professor Krafft and his team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) visited the Department of Marketing at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, which is headed by Professor Stefan Hoffmann. In compliance with the COVID 19 protection measures, an exchange-rich colloquium was organized that offered ample room for discussions.

Read more about Doctoral Colloquium of the IfM at the Department of Marketing of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

„An EWOM Journey: From the Early Days of Digitalization to Today – and Tomorrow“: Watch Professor Hennig-Thurau’s keynote from the inaugural eWOM Research Virtual Symposium

When the Internet emerged in the 1990s, so-called „consumer opinion platforms“ like Dooyoo, Ciao and Epinions.com became increasingly popular. These websites enabled ordinary consumers to publicly share their experiences with products and services. During that time, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau was enthusiastic about the new possibilities of digitalization, the progressive democratization of information and the new phenomenon he and his fellow co-researchers coined electronic word of mouth, or simply “EWOM”.

Read more about „An EWOM Journey: From the Early Days of Digitalization to Today – and Tomorrow“: Watch Professor Hennig-Thurau’s keynote from the inaugural eWOM Research Virtual Symposium
JPM Kübler

MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

MCM scholars Kai Manke (LMM) and Raoul Kübler (JPM&MA) win together with Professor Koen Pauwels from Northeastern University Boston the inaugural “Most Promising Research” Award of this year’s Interactive Marketing Research conference sponsored by the Lazaridis Institute of Technology.

In their award-winning research study “An Analysis of Social Media Engagement in the Case of the 2016 US Presidential Elections“ the international team examines how the social media strategies of the two presidential candidates drove the election outcome in 2016.

Read more about MCM Scholars Kai Manke and Raoul Kübler win IMRC's "Most Promising Research" Award

Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the markstones Institute of the University of Bremen

At the end of September, the team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) around Professor Krafft visited the markstones Institute of Christoph Burmann, Maik Eisenbeiß and Kristina Klein at the University of Bremen. In the course of a colloquium, five projects were presented by doctoral students. Of course, attention was paid to the compliance with the applicable COVID-19 protection measures, so that the colloquium also served as a good trial run for potential attendance events this coming winter semester.

Read more about Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the markstones Institute of the University of Bremen

CULTMARTS 2019: Video Interview with Professor Hennig-Thurau about the Creative Industries and Emerging Markets in the “Era of Entertainment Science”

In September last year, MCM professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau travelled to Bogotá/Colombia to offer the keynote speech of the first-ever CULTMARTS conference (see here). His presentation, entitled „Welcome to the Era of Entertainment Science“, was attended by about 500 managers from the creative industries.

Read more about CULTMARTS 2019: Video Interview with Professor Hennig-Thurau about the Creative Industries and Emerging Markets in the “Era of Entertainment Science”
