
LMM Scholars at the Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City

On November 9th and 10th, Dr. Thorsten Henig-Thurau and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer attended the 19th Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City. The prestigious event, which combines scientific presentations and discussions with industry guests, was held in cooperation by the New York University, Yeshiva University and Yale University. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer presented scholarly insights on the management of complex brand portfolios, using the case of the Marvel universe.  

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Münsteraner Marketing Symposium am 17. November 2017

Manage Customer Experiences – die Marketing Agenda für 2020?

Am dritten Freitag im November geht das Münsteraner Marketing-Symposium in die nächste Runde. Was erwartet Sie? Spannende Anwendungsbeispiele und Erkenntnisse, die Diskussion konkreter Themen mit Experten in kleiner Runde auf den Marktplätzen und der Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten sowie ehemaligen Kommilitonen beim abendlichen Get Together.

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Julian Allendorf referiert auf dem 12. Kongress für Dialogmarketing

IfM-Mitarbeiter Julian Allendorf stellte auf dem 12. wissenschaftlichen interdisziplinären Kongress für Dialogmarketing am 27. September 2017 in Kassel die Studie „Warenkorb-Abbrüche im Onlinehandel – Warum Shopper nicht zu Käufern werden und wie Unternehmen reagieren können“ den Kongressteilnehmern vor. Gemeinsam mit Professor Manfred Krafft und Mirja Bues untersucht er „Warenkorbabbrüche“, bei denen der Kunde im Onlineshop bereits Produkte ausgewählt und in den virtuellen Warenkorb gelegt hat, dann aber den Kaufprozess nicht abschließt.

Read more about Julian Allendorf referiert auf dem 12. Kongress für Dialogmarketing

Article by Mirja Bues accepted for presentation at the ICIS 2017

The article “The Influence of Social Cues on Users’ Information Disclosure Intentions – The Case of Mobile Apps” by Mirja Bues and Michael Steiner (University of Witten-Herdecke) has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Information Systems 2017 and for publication in the ICIS Proceedings (Jourqual: A).

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Julian Allendorf participated in the 2nd EMAC Research Camp at the University of Vienna

From August 31 to September 1, Julian Allendorf, doctoral candidate at the Institute of Marketing (IfM), participated in the second EMAC Research Camp in Vienna. The EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Research Camp is an initiative by the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) with the aim of raising the research capability of new/young researchers embarking on an academic career. Besides worldwide leading faculty in the field of marketing, 19 doctoral students and junior researchers were among the workshop participants.

Read more about Julian Allendorf participated in the 2nd EMAC Research Camp at the University of Vienna

Professor Manfred Krafft referiert auf dem 52. BVM-Kongress

Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft stellte auf dem 52. BVM-Kongress am 19. Juni 2017 in Berlin die Studie „Wie man die Spreu vom Weizen trennt - Optimierte Variablenselektion für die Neukundengewinnung“ den Kongressteilnehmern vor. Diese Studie basiert auf einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns und war Finalist für den BVM-Innovationspreis 2017. Unter dem Titel „Marken verstehen und weiterentwickeln – Neue Wege in der Markenforschung“ folgten rund 280 Besucher der Einladung des Berufsverbands Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. nach Berlin.

Read more about Professor Manfred Krafft referiert auf dem 52. BVM-Kongress

Julian Allendorf participated in the 30th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium

Immediately prior to the annual conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), the 30th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium was held from May 21 to May 23 in Groningen, the Netherlands. The colloquium was organized by the European Institute for advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the EMAC in collaboration with the University of Groningen. Competition among all submissions for the available slots was fierce and Julian Allendorf from the Institute of Marketing was selected as one of 60 doctoral students among an overall of 136 applicants.

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Professor Manfred Krafft appointed as EMAC Fellow

In recognition of his significant and enduring contributions to the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and his achievements of high levels of scholarship and as a leader in the field of marketing, Manfred Krafft has been appointed as EMAC fellow. Together with him, Ajay Kohli (Atlanta/USA, previous editor of Journal of Marketing) and Peter Verhoef (Groningen, VP Membership of EMAC) have been appointed as new fellows of EMAC. EMAC represents more than 1,000 European scholars in Marketing. The board of fellows consists of 17 recognized scholars, who stay fellows until their retirement.

Read more about Professor Manfred Krafft appointed as EMAC Fellow

Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer serves as Track Chair for the Summer AMA 2017

The prestigious American Marketing Association holds the annual Summer AMA conference 2017 in San Francisco, California. For this distinguished conference, Dr. An-Kristin Kupfer serves as chair for the “Digital Marketing, Social Media, and Entertainment Marketing” track, together with Professor Dr. Natasha Foutz from the University of Virginia.

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