
Münsteraner Marketing Symposium 2019 | Jetzt online anmelden!

„50 Jahre Marketing-Powerhouse Münster – Back to the Future”

Liebe Alumni, Studierende und Freunde des Vereins,

am Freitag, den 8. November 2019 veranstaltet der Alumni-Verein des Marketing Center Münster sein Symposium unter dem Leitspruch „50 Jahre Marketing-Powerhouse Münster – Back to the Future“.

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SALTY Conference 2019 in Vienna

Also this year the academic family “SALTY“ of professor Sönke Albers (KLU) met to discuss the latest developments in Marketing. Following the invitation from professor Nadia Abou Nabout, the SALTY conference took place in Vienna from September 22 to September 24, 2019. Represented by professor Manfred Krafft, professor Sonja Gensler, professor Raoul Kübler, as well as nine research assistants, the Marketing Center Münster showed strong presence.

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Professor Hennig-Thurau offered key note on Entertainment Science at CULTMARTS conference in Bogotá

The conference, which was the first ever of its kind in Colombia and was attended by about 500 managers from the creative industries, took place on September 17 and 18, 2019 at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, one of South America's leading research universities.

Read more about Professor Hennig-Thurau offered key note on Entertainment Science at CULTMARTS conference in Bogotá

Dr. Gerrit Cziehso represented the MCM at the first smart products conference in Bielefeld

In August 2019, the International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS) was hosted by the University of Bielefeld (Jun.-Prof. Nicola Bilstein). With two conference days, including twelve presentations, two invited talks and a fascinating tour though the CITEC (Exzellenzcluster Kognitive Interaktionstechnologie), participants and visitors agreed that the event was a great success. 

Read more about Dr. Gerrit Cziehso represented the MCM at the first smart products conference in Bielefeld

Manfred Krafft Represents MCM in Chicago

From August 9 to 11, the 2019 AMA Summer Academic Conference took place in Chicago. The theme of this year’s conference was “Marketing on Fire: Burning Questions, Hot New Methods, and Practical Ideas Worth Spreading.” Manfred Krafft represented the Marketing Center Muenster, but also served in different functions. For example, he attended the Editorial Review Board meetings of Journal of Interactive Marketing and Journal of Retailing, two of the most prestigious journals in the field of marketing. And, he attended “master classes” on machine learning and interaction effects.

Read more about Manfred Krafft Represents MCM in Chicago

MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference

From May 28th until May 31st 2019, the 48th EMAC Annual Conference was held in Hamburg, with more than 1,000 scholarly attendants from all over Europe and the world. The conference provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of current academic research projects, panel discussions, and special sessions with thought leaders in their respective fields. Scholars from different areas of the MCM took part in all those different activities.

Read more about MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference

MCM TV proudly presents: "Mallen the Movie"

Documentary filmmaker Paul Rieth has created an eight-minutes look back at last year's 20th anniversary event of the world's primary scholarly conference on the business and economics of filmed entertainment. In 2018, the Mallen conference series moved to Europe for the first time after having been hosted at UCLA, Yale, and New York University, among others, with MCM professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau co-chairing the conference with Berlin-based producer/scholar/entrepreneur Jannis Funk, in cooperation with Abraham S.

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Conference | Münsteraner Marketing Symposium 2018

Friday, 9. November 2018 - 0:00 to Wednesday, 18. December 2024 - 9:47

Am Freitag, den 09. November 2018, veranstaltet der Alumni-Verein des Marketing Center Münster sein alljährliches Symposium.

Zum Thema „KI und Marketing Analytics - living by numbers?“ diskutieren hochrangige Manager und Experten die zahlreichen Facetten dieser hochaktuellen Fragestellung.

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Münsteraner Marketing Symposium 2018 | Jetzt anmelden!

Am Freitag, den 09. November 2018, veranstaltet der Alumni-Verein des Marketing Center Münster sein alljährliches Symposium.

Melde Sie sich jetzt hier an und seien Sie dabei, wenn im Schloss Münster hochrangige Manager und Experten die zahlreichen Facetten des Themas „KI und Marketing Analytics - living by numbers?“ diskutieren.

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AMA TechSIG Lazaridis Award Presented to Manfred Krafft

At the Summer AMA conference in Boston, Manfred Krafft was awarded the Lazaridis prize for the best paper in the area of “Innovation, Technology and Interactivity” presented by Maria Rouziou (Wilfried Laurier University). The respective publication honored is the paper “Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns – Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?”, co-authored with former IfM-PhD Christine M. Arden and Peter C. Verhoef of Groningen. The article was published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing.

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