
Professor Hennig-Thurau co-chairs WOM workshop at University of Zaragoza

Together with Michael Haenlein, Professor of Marketing at the business school ESCP Europe, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau were invited to co-chair a two-day workshop on “Word of Mouth and Social Media Marketing in the Digital Era” at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. The event, in which ten doctoral students and professors presented their work in the field and got feedback from the audience and the co-chairs, was organized by Professor Dr.

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Evert de Haan honored with SOM Award of the University of Groningen

Evert de Haan won the SOM Best PhD Dissertation Award 2016 of the University of Groningen (NL) for his dissertation ‘Creating, managing and monitoring customer value in the on- and offline world.’ Prof. Thorsten Wiesel was Evert’s co-promotor together with Prof. Peter Verhoef of the University of Groningen. Currently, Evert de Haan holds a position as Junior Professor in Marketing at Goethe University Frankfurt. Congratulations!

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Coming soon: Entertainment Science, the book.

For entertainment and media students, managers, and scholars, there is now a reason to look forward to the end of this year. Professors Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (LMM) and Mark B. Houston (Texas A&M University) will then open a unique vault of more than 35 years of high-quality scholarly research on the entertainment industry in their book "Entertainment Science". 

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Professor Manfred Krafft appointed as EMAC Fellow

In recognition of his significant and enduring contributions to the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and his achievements of high levels of scholarship and as a leader in the field of marketing, Manfred Krafft has been appointed as EMAC fellow. Together with him, Ajay Kohli (Atlanta/USA, previous editor of Journal of Marketing) and Peter Verhoef (Groningen, VP Membership of EMAC) have been appointed as new fellows of EMAC. EMAC represents more than 1,000 European scholars in Marketing. The board of fellows consists of 17 recognized scholars, who stay fellows until their retirement.

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Professor Manfred Krafft appointed as first international fellow of the Direct Selling Education Foundation

Professor Manfred Krafft has been recently appointed as the first international member of the DSEF fellow program. The DSEF (Direct Selling Education Foundation) pursues the target of uniting science and economy by enabling an exchange among leading academics, students and industry executives. Currently, 75 renowned professors from various disciplines such as business administration, economics and law serve as DSEF fellows.

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PD Dr. André Marchand folgt dem Ruf an die Universität zu Köln

PD Dr. André Marchand erhielt Rufe an die BI Oslo und Universität zu Köln. Er hat den Ruf an die Universität zu Köln auf eine W2-Professur für „Marketing & Digital Environment“ zum 1. Juni 2017 angenommen. Die Themenschwerpunkte der neuen Marketingprofessur in Forschung und Lehre werden Digitalisierung, neue Medien und Innovationen sein.

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Professor Manfred Krafft and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns Receive the William Davidson Honorable Mention Award

Prof. Krafft and Dr. Tillmanns have been awarded the 2017 William Davidson Honorable Mention Award. They were runner-ups for the William R. Davidson Award with their article "The Evolution of Marketing Channel Research Domains and Methodologies: An Integrative Review and Future Directions". The award recognizes the best articles published in Journal of Retailing [VHB-Jourqual: A] in 2015.

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IfM-Doktorandin forscht an der University of Auckland in Neuseeland

Von Februar bis März wird die IfM-Mitarbeiterin Mirja Bues einen Forschungsaufenthalt am Marketing Department der Business School der University of Auckland verbringen. An diesem Marketing Department, das zu den führenden in der Asien-PazifikRegion zählt, forscht auch Professor Krafft seit Januar für ein halbes Semester.

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