
PD Dr. André Marchand folgt dem Ruf an die Universität zu Köln

PD Dr. André Marchand erhielt Rufe an die BI Oslo und Universität zu Köln. Er hat den Ruf an die Universität zu Köln auf eine W2-Professur für „Marketing & Digital Environment“ zum 1. Juni 2017 angenommen. Die Themenschwerpunkte der neuen Marketingprofessur in Forschung und Lehre werden Digitalisierung, neue Medien und Innovationen sein.

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Article on corporate gifts by Dr. André Marchand and Professor Hennig-Thurau accepted for publication in JSR

The article "How Gifts Influence Relationships with Service Customers and Financial Outcomes for Firms" by PD Dr. André Marchand, Professor Michael Paul, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Dr. Georg Puchner has been accepted for publication in Journal of Service Research (Jourqual: A).

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Article on digital word of mouth by Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Dr. André Marchand accepted for publication in IJRM

The article "Not all digital word of mouth is created equal: Understanding the respective impact of consumer reviews and microblogs on new product success" by Dr. André Marchand, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Professor Caroline Wiertz (Cass Business School London) has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Research in Marketing - IJRM (Jourqual: A).

Read more about Article on digital word of mouth by Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Dr. André Marchand accepted for publication in IJRM

Social Media Marketing in der Hamburger Hafen-City

How Social Media is Changing Marketing – oder wie lassen sich hedonische Medienprodukte im Kontext digitaler sozialer Medien vermarkten? Dieser Fragestellung geht die erste DFG-finanzierte Forschergruppe mit einem Schwerpunkt im Marketing nach. Im Rahmen des Projekts trafen sich die Wissenschaftler Anfang Juli an der Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg, um den aktuellen Stand der Forschungsprojekte zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren.

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MCM @ EMAC 2016 in Oslo

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference is one of the largest marketing conferences worldwide. This year, the conference took place at the Norwegian Business School in Oslo from May 24-27 with the leading theme “Marketing in the Age of Data”. A couple of MCM scholars participated in this conference and presented their latest research about the following topics:

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