
Article on New Customer Acquisition by Professor Manfred Krafft and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns accepted for publication in Journal of Marketing

The article "How to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff: Improved Variable Selection for New Customer Acquisition" by Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns, Professor Frenkel Ter Hofstede, Professor Manfred Krafft, and Professor Oliver Götz has been accepted for publication in Journal of Marketing (Jourqual: A+).

Read more about Article on New Customer Acquisition by Professor Manfred Krafft and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns accepted for publication in Journal of Marketing

Article on Private-Label Purchase Behavior by Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns accepted for publication in Journal of Business Economics

The article "Drivers of Private-Label Purchase Behavior Across Quality Tiers and Product Categories" by Dr. Philipp Noormann and Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Economics (Jourqual: B).

Read more about Article on Private-Label Purchase Behavior by Dr. Sebastian Tillmanns accepted for publication in Journal of Business Economics

Artikel “To Keep or Not to Keep: Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Product Returns” von Dr. Sonja Gensler und Professor Thorsten Wiesel veröffentlicht

Abstract: While many studies examined the effects of online customer reviews (OCRs) on product sales, a clear understanding of the effects of OCRs on product returns is lacking. This study examines the impact of OCRs characteristics (valence, volume, and variance) on return decisions with a rich multi-year dataset from a major online retailer covering the electronics and furniture category.

Read more about Artikel “To Keep or Not to Keep: Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Product Returns” von Dr. Sonja Gensler und Professor Thorsten Wiesel veröffentlicht

„Retailing in the 21st Century“ gehört zu den 25 meist heruntergeladenen eBooks

Seit Erscheinen des von Professor Manfred Krafft und Professor Murali K. Mantrala herausgegebenen Buches „Retailing in the 21st Century" im November 2009 wurden bereits 60.000 Kapitel des eBook bei SpringerLink heruntergeladen. Damit gehört das Buch zu den Top 25% der heruntergeladenen eBooks in der bekannten Springer eBook Collection 2015. Hier geht's zum eBook .

Read more about „Retailing in the 21st Century“ gehört zu den 25 meist heruntergeladenen eBooks

Artikel von Professor Wiesel im Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Der Artikel „The effects of customer equity drivers on loyalty across services indutries and firms" von Thorsten Wiesel zusammen mit Yi-Chun Ou und Peter C. Verhoef ist vom Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science angenommen und "Online-First" auf SpringerLink veröffentlicht worden.

Read more about Artikel von Professor Wiesel im Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

AMA Best Paper Awards for Maria Bartschat, Dr. Ann-Kristin Knapp, Nora Pähler vor der Holte, and Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau

The paper “Determinants of Consumer Choice between Word-of-Mouth Channels in the Digital Era”, co-authored by Maria Bartschat and Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, has been honoured with the AMA Best Paper Award 2016 of the Consumer Behavior Track.The award was given by track chairs Professor Charla Mathwick (Portland State University) and Professor Lauren Labrecque (Loyola University Chicago).  At the same event, the paper paper “Does the Social Media Power of a Brand Alliance Partner Impact New Product Success?

Read more about AMA Best Paper Awards for Maria Bartschat, Dr. Ann-Kristin Knapp, Nora Pähler vor der Holte, and Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau
