MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference
From May 28th until May 31st 2019, the 48th EMAC Annual Conference was held in Hamburg, with more than 1,000 scholarly attendants from all over Europe and the world. The conference provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of current academic research projects, panel discussions, and special sessions with thought leaders in their respective fields. Scholars from different areas of the MCM took part in all those different activities.
Ann-Kristin Kupfer and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau win the prestigious JAMS Best Paper Award!
Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau have been selected as recipients of the prestigious Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, which honors the best article published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, one of marketing’s A journals. The MCM scholars win this year’s Sheth award for their article “Pre-Release Consumer Buzz”, which they have co-authored with WWU’s Visiting International Prof. Dr. Mark B. Houston (Texas Christian University, Texas) and Prof. Dr. Martin Spann from LMU Munich. For Prof.
MCM mit stärkster Präsenz auf der BI-JAMS Thought Leaders‘ Conference
Anfang Juni hat die BI Norwegian Business School in Kooperation mit dem Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science die BI-JAMS Thought Leaders‘ Conference on Generalizations in Marketing in Oslo veranstaltet. Hierbei war das MCM das am stärksten vertretene Department unter den Teilnehmern. Durch Ann-Kristin Kupfer (LMM), Sonja Gensler (IWM) sowie Manfred Krafft und Jonas Schmidt (IfM) waren alle am Stadtgraben ansässigen Institute des MCM vertreten.
The Power of Social Media -- Article by LMM scholars published in the Journal of Marketing
MCM scholars Ann-Kristin Kupfer, Nora Pähler vor der Holte, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau –together with co-author Raoul V. Kübler (Ozyegin University)— analyze how powerful the social media activities of an actor can be for the economic success of a movie. By studying more than 40,000 Facebook posts, the authors estimate substantial increases in product sales. Having coded those posts into different content and style categories, they identify which social media communication strategies are the most promising for promoting products online.
Das MCM sucht Doktoranden!
Der Lehrstuhl für Marketing und Medien (LMM), das Institut für Marketing (IfM) und das Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing (IWM) suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen.
Nähere Informationen zu den Lehrstühlen und Stellen finden Sie hier. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Bewerbung!
MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Rick Gretz
The next episode of our new video format MCM Spotlight is "live"! In more or less (but rather more) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.
To Infinity-- and Beyond! Article by Kupfer & Hennig-Thurau published in JAMS
MCM scholars Ann-Kristin Kupfer and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau –together with co-authors Mark Houston (Texas Christian University) and Martin Spann (LMU Munich)—have published a new article on pre-release consumer buzz in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The authors explore what we all mean when we say "This movie has a lot of buzz!", offering a look at the concept's core. They employ a theories-in-use approach to conceptualize this important construct and use secondary data to illustrate the performance of the theory-based conceptualization.
Social Media Marketing Scholars, Assemble! Research Group Receives Three-Year DFG Grant
The German Research Foundation DFG has extended its substantial funding of the research group "How Social Media Changes Marketing" for three more years. It consists of renowned scholars from the University of Hamburg (Henrik Sattler, Michel Clement, and Mark Heitmann), the University of Cologne (Fanziska Völckner and Detlef Schoder), and the Kühne Logistics University (Sönke Albers and Christian Barrot), in addition to Münster’s marketing experts Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer.
LMM Scholars at the Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City
On November 9th and 10th, Dr. Thorsten Henig-Thurau and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer attended the 19th Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City. The prestigious event, which combines scientific presentations and discussions with industry guests, was held in cooperation by the New York University, Yeshiva University and Yale University. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer presented scholarly insights on the management of complex brand portfolios, using the case of the Marvel universe.