
The Power of Social Media -- Article by LMM scholars published in the Journal of Marketing

Does it influence the revenues of a movie if Emma Watson posts about it on Facebook? And is it important how she does so?

MCM scholars Ann-Kristin Kupfer, Nora Pähler vor der Holte, and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau –together with co-author Raoul V. Kübler (Ozyegin University)— analyze how powerful the social media activities of an actor can be for the economic success of a movie. By studying more than 40,000 Facebook posts, the authors estimate substantial increases in product sales. Having coded those posts into different content and style categories, they identify which social media communication strategies are the most promising for promoting products online.

This article has recently been accepted for publication in the Journal of Marketing, the world’s leading scientific Marketing journal. For subscribers of JM, a downloadable version is available at this link.