
Roundtable-Diskussion mit Professor Krafft über Value-Creating Sales

In der aktuellen Ausgabe 5/2017 der Zeitschrift Sales Management Review ist eine ausführliche Roundtable-Diskussion zu Value-Creating Sales erschienen. An dieser Runde nahmen neben Professor Manfred Krafft Vertriebsführungskräfte der SAP, von Siemens und der Ceva Logistics sowie Vertriebsforscher aus St. Gallen, Karlsruhe und der WHU teil.

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CEM Bayer Business Consulting-Workshop: Exciting Insights into Everyday Life of an Inhouse Consultant

From November 23 to 24, 2017, members of the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) attended a workshop at Bayer Business Consulting (BC) in Leverkusen. Flora Spannagel, who is a project manager at Bayer BC, has organized the workshop on behalf of the marketing & sales practice.

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Professor Krafft participates in „Ask the Experts“ videos by the Direct Selling Educational Foundation

The Direct Selling Educational Foundation (DSEF) has set up a new program “Ask the Experts” in which experts are interviewed on topics that relate to direct selling as distribution channel. The purpose of DSEF’s Ask the Experts videos is to demystify as well as mainstream the channel to both the public and key audiences (academics and students). In addition, member companies of the Direct Selling Association may also find these videos useful in countering critics. Professor Krafft who has been recently appointed as DSEF Fellow participated in this new initiative and talks about e.g.

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Münsteraner Marketing Symposium im Zeichen von Customer Experiences

Im Mittelpunkt des diesjährigen Münsteraner Marketing Symposiums stand das Thema „Manage Customer Experiences – die Marketing Agenda für 2020?“. Die Relevanz von Customer Experience Management ist unbestritten – aber bei der konkreten und effizienten Umsetzung herrschte noch hohe Unsicherheit. Dies mag insbesondere daran liegen, dass Customer Experience Management nicht ohne weiteres im Unternehmen „umsetzbar“ ist, sondern in vielen Unternehmen einen Kulturwandel voraussetzt.

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Auszeichnung herausragender Abschlussarbeiten am Marketing Center in Kooperation mit Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Münsteraner Marketing Symposiums am 17. November wurde erneut der Henkel Thesis Award für die besten Masterarbeiten verliehen. Seit mittlerweile 10 Jahren stiftet die Henkel AG & Co.

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Media Marketing Meets Simon Kucher & Partners

“The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power” – Warren Buffet

On November 15th, Prof. Hennig-Thurau and his Media Marketing class gave a warm welcome to two pricing experts from Simon Kucher & Partners: Media practice partner Lisa Jäger and consultant Julia Käßmann, who provided an interesting perspective on the challenges that media marketers face and how to solve them.

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Research presentation in the land of the Vikings

On November 16 and 17, Manfred Krafft traveled to Norway, following an invitation by his colleagues at BI Oslo. In BI‘s research seminar, he presented a study on the interplay of music and light in a retail context. Almost all 35 members of BI‘s marketing department attended Professor Krafft‘s presentation and contributed to a very lively discussion. Several colleagues used the visit of Manfred Krafft to discuss their ideas for future research as well.

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LMM Scholars at the Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City

On November 9th and 10th, Dr. Thorsten Henig-Thurau and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer attended the 19th Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City. The prestigious event, which combines scientific presentations and discussions with industry guests, was held in cooperation by the New York University, Yeshiva University and Yale University. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer presented scholarly insights on the management of complex brand portfolios, using the case of the Marvel universe.  

Read more about LMM Scholars at the Mallen Economics of Filmed Entertainment Conference in New York City