
MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Rick Gretz

"Find what you love and do it as best as you can."

The next episode of our new video format MCM Spotlight is "live"!  In more or less (but rather more) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Rick Gretz

To Infinity-- and Beyond! Article by Kupfer & Hennig-Thurau published in JAMS

MCM scholars Ann-Kristin Kupfer and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau –together with co-authors Mark Houston (Texas Christian University) and Martin Spann (LMU Munich)—have published a new article on pre-release consumer buzz in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The authors explore what we all mean when we say "This movie has a lot of buzz!", offering a look at the concept's core. They employ a theories-in-use approach to conceptualize this important construct and use secondary data to illustrate the performance of the theory-based conceptualization.

Read more about To Infinity-- and Beyond! Article by Kupfer & Hennig-Thurau published in JAMS

Social Media Marketing Scholars, Assemble! Research Group Receives Three-Year DFG Grant

The DFG research group on "How Social Media Changes Marketing," featuring MCM scholars Professor Hennig-Thurau and Dr. Kupfer, receives another three-year DFG grant.

The German Research Foundation DFG has extended its substantial funding of the research group "How Social Media Changes Marketing" for three more years. It consists of renowned scholars from the University of Hamburg (Henrik Sattler, Michel Clement, and Mark Heitmann), the University of Cologne (Fanziska Völckner and Detlef Schoder), and the Kühne Logistics University (Sönke Albers and Christian Barrot), in addition to Münster’s marketing experts Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer.

Read more about Social Media Marketing Scholars, Assemble! Research Group Receives Three-Year DFG Grant

CEM Johnson & Johnson-Workshop: Consumer Marketing meets Pharma Marketing

From November 29 to 30, 2017, members of the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) spent two exciting days at the headquarters of Johnson & Johnson in Neuss. Carola Griesshaber, member of the talent acquisition team organized the workshop and welcomed the participants from Berlin, Cologne and Münster on their arrival.

Read more about CEM Johnson & Johnson-Workshop: Consumer Marketing meets Pharma Marketing

Erfolgreiches ERCIS Launchpad 2017

Am Nikolaustag fand das diesjährige ERCIS Launch Pad, der digitaler Ideenwettbewerb an der WWU Münster statt

In der vergangenen Woche am Nikolaustag fand das diesjährigen 10. ERCIS Launch Pad, der digitale Ideenwettbewerb für Startups und Gründungswillige, im Hörsaal am Leonardo-Campus 18 statt. Organisiert wurde das Launch Pad von Prof. Dr. Vossen, Prof. Dr. Wiesel und dem digital Hub münsterland. Über die Jahre hinweg...

Read more about Erfolgreiches ERCIS Launchpad 2017

MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Carlo Vassallo

MCM Spotlight meets Carlo Vassallo (Ferrero)

The next episode of our new video format MCM Spotlight is on air!  In (more or less than) 100 seconds, our interview partners share their fresh perspectives with a large audience of marketing students, scholars, and managers.

This week, the spotlight is on Carlo Vassallo, Country Manager of Ferrero Germany.

Read more about MCM Spotlight: 100+ Seconds Münster Food for Thought with Carlo Vassallo

CEM Kaminabend | American Airlines-Manager Talks about his Top Ten Pieces of Advice

Last week, Dr. Rob Britton visited Münster for a fireside chat with members of the Circle of Excellence in Marketing. Rob Britton is a former managing director in brand development and advertising at American Airlines where he worked for over 23 years in various positions. Today, Rob Britton is the principal of AirLearn Inc., an international consultancy where he focuses on teaching and educating students from renowned business schools around the world.

Read more about CEM Kaminabend | American Airlines-Manager Talks about his Top Ten Pieces of Advice