Professor Mark B. Houston teaches Ph.D. course "Survey Research" at the MCM

For the seventh time, Mark B. Houston, Professor of Marketing at the Neeley School of Business of Fort Worth-based Texas Christian University (TCU) and an area editor at the Journal of Marketing, visited Münster’s Marketing Center to teach a doctoral course on survey research methods.
In his course, Dr. Houston, who is also an International Fellow of the DFG-sponsored Research Unit on Social Media Marketing and Professor Hennig-Thurau’s co-author on the forthcoming book “Entertainment Science”, covered many important issues related to analyzing, developing and optimizing surveys and survey data. Participants also learned about the conceptual foundation for survey research and discussed about the development of constructs and scales. On the final day of his highly interactive course, Dr. Houston taught the participants the proper reporting of results via group presentations. The attendees enjoyed an inspiring week full of work, creativity, and knowledge.