
Article by Manfred Krafft available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

The article "Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns — Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?" by Manfred Krafft, co-authored by Christine M. Arden (University of Muenster) and Peter C. Verhoef (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) is now available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing. The article is an open access paper, and can be downloaded and shared for free using this link.

Read more about Article by Manfred Krafft available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

Institut für Marketing für den Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung 2017 nominiert

Das Institut für Marketing gehört mit seiner Studie „How to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff - Improved Variable Selection for New Customer Acquisition“ von Prof. Dr. Krafft und Dr. Tillmanns zu den Finalisten beim Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung für den Innovationspreis 2017. Der Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. zeichnet mit dem Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung seit 2005 besonders innovative und für den Fortschritt der Branche sowie für ihre Auftraggeber wichtige Leistungen aus.

Read more about Institut für Marketing für den Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung 2017 nominiert

IWM sucht iPhone-Besitzerinnen für eine Studie

iPhone-Besitzerinnen, aufgepasst!

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts sucht das IWM explizit eure Unterstützung!  Es geht darum, eine Fashion App zu testen. Jede Teilnehmerin bekommt einen 10€ Zalando Gutschein. Wenn ihr Zeit und Lust habt, dann tragt euch gerne mit eurer E-Mail Adresse in die folgende Doodle Liste ein: http://doodle.com/poll/ff6ckhkrdfsempvh.

Read more about IWM sucht iPhone-Besitzerinnen für eine Studie

Article by Dr. Sonja Gensler available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

The article "The Showrooming Phenomenon: It's More than Just About Price" by Dr. Sonja Gensler together with Prof. Peter Verhoef (Universität Groningen, Netherlands) and Prof. Scott Neslin (Dartmouth Business School, USA) is now available at Journal of Interactive Marketing. Direct link to the article.

Read more about Article by Dr. Sonja Gensler available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

Dr. Sonja Gensler für Wissenschaftspreis nominiert

Dr. Sonja Gensler ist zusammen mit Alec Minnema und Tammo Bijmolt (Universität Groningen)  für den Wissenschaftspreis 2017 der niederländischen Marktforschungsvereinigung MOA (Zentrum für Informationen basierte Entscheidungsfindung & Marketing Research) nominiert. Die Nominierung bezieht sich auf die Forschungsprojekte rund um das Thema wie Online-Händler die Retourenquote reduzieren können.

Link: http://www.moawards.nl/wetenschapsprijs

Read more about Dr. Sonja Gensler für Wissenschaftspreis nominiert

Master theses in cooperation with Münster Osnabrück International Airport

The Institute of Marketing assigns two master theses for the third quarter of 2017 in cooperation with Münster Osnabrück International Airport (FMO). Interested and motivated master students have the exciting opportunity of empirically analyzing potential marketing strategies for an international airport in a competitive environment.

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Master's thesis in business cooperation (Q4 2017)

The IfM assigns a master's thesis for the fourth quarter of 2017 in cooperation with "AMD-Netz". Interested and motivated master students are given the exciting opportunity of analyzing a large data set on the subject of patient care and can conduct research with practical relevance. Further information will be given during the informative meeting “Writing your theses at the MCM” on April 19th from 6 pm to 8 pm ULB Room 101.

Read more about Master's thesis in business cooperation (Q4 2017)

Top cited articles in Journal of Interactive Marketing by LMM-scholars

In the fall of 2013, Professor Hennig-Thurau, together with his colleague Charles Hofacker from Florida State University and Dr. Björn Bloching, Marketing Head of Roland Berger, co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Interactive Marketing, one of our discipline’s most-cited academic outlets (see for example http://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?category=1406).

Read more about Top cited articles in Journal of Interactive Marketing by LMM-scholars

Joe Hair increases FIT between Muenster and Structural Equation Modeling

Muenster’s marketing academics enjoyed a fully packed week of hard work and hard fun with “multivariate legend” Professor Dr. Joe F. Hair, who not only taught students on the intricacies of both structural equation modeling, but also gave interesting insights by reflecting on his long and successful academic career. Although Professor Hair could not fully hide his enthusiasm for partial least squares, he covered also the covariance-based approach of structural equation modeling in his course.

Read more about Joe Hair increases FIT between Muenster and Structural Equation Modeling

Prof. Rosanna Garcia (NCSU) visits the MCM from April 18 to May 5, 2017

Prof. Dr. Rosanna Garcia (NC State University)  is going to teach the course „Entrepreneurial Marketing“ while she is in Münster. Innovation and sustainability are two areas Dr. Rosanna Garcia is passionate about, especially when it comes to understanding how innovations gain traction and are accepted in the marketplace.  Among other topics and issues, she has looked at how sustainable innovations come to be embraced while others struggle for acceptance – in particular, electric vehicles, car sharing and alternative energy sources for the home.

Read more about Prof. Rosanna Garcia (NCSU) visits the MCM from April 18 to May 5, 2017
