
Selected MCM highlights can be found here.


Manfred Krafft Delivers the Laudatory Speech for Professor Sönke Albers as the Recipient of the 2020 Sales SIG Lifetime Achievement Award

A large virtual audience, consisting of distinguished scholars, friends, and family members, gathered across time zones, countries, and continents on February 19 to honor Professor Sönke Albers for his outstanding academic contributions. Professor Albers, who is connected to all senior and junior faculty members of the Marketing Center Münster, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Special Interest Group on Selling and Sales Management (Sales SIG) at the 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference.

Read more about Manfred Krafft Delivers the Laudatory Speech for Professor Sönke Albers as the Recipient of the 2020 Sales SIG Lifetime Achievement Award

Virtual Visit at the MCM - Guest Lecture by the Otto Group on the Use of Artificial Intelligence

On Monday, January 24, Dr. Mirja Kroschke from the Otto Group was a virtual guest in the course "Consumer Behavior". In her presentation, she gave students insights into the use of artificial intelligence to holistically improve the customer experience at the Otto Group. Dr. Kroschke works as a project manager and business intelligence strategist in the Otto Group's Data Lab. She is also a familiar face at the Chair of Marketing Management, having earned her PhD there in 2017 and served as a Postdoc until 2019.

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„Entertainment Science“ für den VHB-Lehrbuchpreis 2021 nominiert!

Jedes Jahr vergibt der Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (VHB) auf seiner Jahrestagung den Preis für das beste neu erschienene bzw. grundlegend überarbeitete BWL-Lehrbuch. Für den VHB-Lehrbuchpreis 2021 wurde das Buch „Entertainment Science“ von Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Medien) und Mark Houston (Texas Christian University, Fort Worth) nominiert.

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IfM Research Fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is Runner-Up for the Mary Kay Dissertation Award

Dr. Jonas Schmidt, research assistant at the Chair of Marketing Management, participated in the award ceremony for the best dissertation hosted by the Academy of Marketing Science. The Academy of Marketing Science is an international, scholarly organization dedicated to promoting high standards and excellence in both the creation and dissemination of marketing knowledge and the advancement of marketing practice around the world. For more than 25 years, the international cosmetics company Mary Kay Inc.

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IfM research fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is awarded the best dissertation price in economics

The Rector of the University of Münster and the Prorector for Strategic Human Resources Development, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels and Prof. Dr. Maike Tietjens, presented the dissertation prize in a video call to the authors of the 14 best dissertations from the 14 departments of the university. Since a ceremonial presentation was not possible due to the Corona pandemic, the Rectorate chose the digital way to congratulate the graduates personally.

Read more about IfM research fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is awarded the best dissertation price in economics

Lehre in Zeiten von Corona: Als das MCM plötzlich digital wurde

Seit März 2020 fanden alle Lehrveranstaltungen des MCM aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie von heute auf morgen rein digital statt. Für die Herbstausgabe unserer MCM-News haben wir mit Lehrenden und Studierenden über Ihre Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse aus dem digitalen Sommersemester 2020 gesprochen.

Unsere Sonderseiten mit vielen Eindrücken zur digitalen Lehre in Zeiten von Corona können Sie hier herunterladen.

Read more about Lehre in Zeiten von Corona: Als das MCM plötzlich digital wurde

“Entertainment Science”: Celebrating 1.7 million downloads!

Last year, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau from the Marketing Center Münster published his multiyear effort "Entertainment Science: Data Analytics and Practical Theory for Movies, Games, Books, and Music”, co-authored by Mark B. Houston, Professor of Marketing at Texas Christian University (Fort Worth) and Visiting International Professor at the University of Münster.

Read more about “Entertainment Science”: Celebrating 1.7 million downloads!

University of Münster listed as one of the “Top Universities for Professional Sales Education”

The University of Münster is once again honored by the Sales Education Foundation (SEF) in its 2020 ANNUAL magazine as one of the "Top Universities for Professional Sales Education". SEF recognizes the University of Münster for preparing students for successful careers in professional selling. The latest edition (14th) of the SEF ANNUAL magazine is available on SEF’s website.

Read more about University of Münster listed as one of the “Top Universities for Professional Sales Education”

Chair of Marketing Management Awarded for the Best Chair Project 2020

Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence and Social Media are currently revolutionizing the retail industry. At the EuroShop trade fair in Düsseldorf on February 18, leading representatives from research and business got together to discuss how recent developments in technology and society reshape the retail industry.

Read more about Chair of Marketing Management Awarded for the Best Chair Project 2020