Sonja Gensler

JAMS Publication of the Chair of Value-based Marketing - Now Published!

Home sharing platforms have experienced a rapid growth over the last decade. Following negative publicity, many cities have started regulating the short-term rental market. Regulations often involve a cap on the number of days a property can be rented out on a short-term basis. We draw on rich data for short-term rentals on Airbnb and for the long-term rental market to examine the impact of short-term rental regulations with a day cap on various stakeholders: hosts, guests, the platform provider, and residents.

Read more about JAMS Publication of the Chair of Value-based Marketing - Now Published!
Sonja Gensler

IJRM Publication of the Chair of Value-based Marketing - Now Published!

In light of scarce resources, firms strategically weigh off between investments in value creation and value appropriation. They do so by placing more emphasis on one of the two strategic orientations which defines their strategic emphasis. So far, literature has relied on accounting data – specifically on reported investments in R&D and advertising – to operationalize reported strategic emphasis and studied its association with a firm’s financial performance. Previous studies suggest that firms benefit from emphasizing value appropriation.

Read more about IJRM Publication of the Chair of Value-based Marketing - Now Published!
Sonja Gensler

Kick-Off | Seminar Sustainability Lab (BSc BA)

Kooperationspartner: KPMG
Tuesday, 16. April 2024 - 16:15 to 17:45, STA 1

Let’s DoIT - Lernen Sie die Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung kennen!

Neben Unternehmen sieht sich auch der öffentliche Sektor der Herausforderung gegenüber, über die Nachhaltigkeit seiner Aktivitäten Bericht zu erstatten. Hier ist vor allem der Klimaschutz eine zentrale Aufgabe des öffentlichen Sektors, da sich dieser aus Artikel 20a des Grundgesetzes ableitet. Darüber hinaus sollte der öffentliche Sektor aber auch in den Bereichen Soziales und Governance eine Vorreiterrolle einnehmen.

Read more about Kick-Off | Seminar Sustainability Lab (BSc BA)
