
Digital visit of Wayne Hoyer at the Marketing Center Münster

Within the master’s course Consumer Behavior, which takes place in the current winter semester 2020/ 2021, the Marketing Center Münster was pleased to welcome Professor Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas in Austin, USA. Professor Hoyer has already accompanied this course for several years and has shared his valuable insights with the students. As a long-standing guest at the MCM, he bears the title VIP (Visiting International Professor) at the University of Münster.

Read more about Digital visit of Wayne Hoyer at the Marketing Center Münster

AHA! (-rules) – Virtual CEM Workshop with Henkel

Alle auf Zoom - Headset auf – Austausch starten!
(Screen on – Put on your headset – Start the exchange)

The first virtual workshop for Henkel with the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) took place - already a routine for the students after a semester of online lectures. On November 13, 2020, 20 members of the CEM from Berlin, Cologne and Münster exchanged their academic and practical experience with the Henkel team.

Read more about AHA! (-rules) – Virtual CEM Workshop with Henkel

Lehre in Zeiten von Corona: Als das MCM plötzlich digital wurde

Seit März 2020 fanden alle Lehrveranstaltungen des MCM aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie von heute auf morgen rein digital statt. Für die Herbstausgabe unserer MCM-News haben wir mit Lehrenden und Studierenden über Ihre Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse aus dem digitalen Sommersemester 2020 gesprochen.

Unsere Sonderseiten mit vielen Eindrücken zur digitalen Lehre in Zeiten von Corona können Sie hier herunterladen.

Read more about Lehre in Zeiten von Corona: Als das MCM plötzlich digital wurde

1st Session | Advanced Market Research (MSc) via Zoom

Monday, 2. November 2020 - 12:15, Zoom

You find the detailed schedule for the course on Learnweb by the end of October, 2020. Please note that the schedule may be subject to change if restrictions are relaxed or tightened. Changes will be announced on Learnweb. If you have not been able to enroll for your studies by the start of the lectures, please contact Prof. Sonja Gensler to obtain guest access to the individual courses.

Read more about 1st Session | Advanced Market Research (MSc) via Zoom
