
Neuer Artikel zur Bedeutung von Marketing und Vertrieb in marktorientierten Unternehmen veröffentlicht

Der Artikel mit dem Titel " The Role of Sales and Marketing in Market-Oriented Companies" von Oliver Götz, Ann-Kristin Hoelter und Manfred Krafft wurde in Heft 4/2013 der Zeitschrift Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management veröffentlicht.

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New article by Prof. Wiesel on the Role of Consumer Confidence in Creating Customer Loyalty

The article "The Role of Consumer Confidence in Creating Customer Loyalty" by Prof. Thorsten Wiesel (co-authored with Yi-Chun Ou, Lisette de Vries, and Prof. Peter C. Verhoef) has been released in the "online first" section of the Journal of Service Research

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Springer-Interview mit Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft: "Reine Umsatzmacher sind ein Auslaufmodell".

Die Anforderungen im Vertrieb steigen permanent. Folglich nehmen auch die Herausforderungen für Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte zu, die im Vertrieb tätig sind. Die Springer-Autoren Prof. Dr. Sönke Albers und Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft sagen im Gespräch mit Springer für Professionals, worauf es im Vertriebsmanagement von heute und morgen ankommt.

Lesen Sie das gesamte Interview unter diesem Link.

Read more about Springer-Interview mit Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft: "Reine Umsatzmacher sind ein Auslaufmodell".

Special Issue on Social Media Marketing

Professor Hennig-Thurau serves as co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Interactive Marketing on Social Media Marketing which has been published this week. The special issue builds on presentations and discussions that took place during the fabulous Digitalization Think:Lab Thought Leaders’ Summit in Munich last fall. It will include six articles that analyze the key challenges the rise of social media brings for firms (and us all), crafted by an A-list of contributors from leading schools all over the planet under the critical, challenging eyes of 23 anonymous reviewers. 

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Special Issue on "The Past, Present and Future of Marketing Channels" in the Journal of Retailing

Specifically, state-of-the art research, using any applicable methodologies (including analytic modeling, empirical analysis, behavioral theory development and testing, etc.) that provide clear insights into how changing environments have affected and will be impacting marketing channels, are published in this special issue. The domain purposely is left broad to include wholesale, retail, franchise, distribution, supply chain, and business-to-business contexts to capture the full scope of marketing channels research.

Read more about Special Issue on "The Past, Present and Future of Marketing Channels" in the Journal of Retailing
