Special Issue on Social Media Marketing
Professor Hennig-Thurau serves as co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Interactive Marketing on Social Media Marketing which has been published this week. The special issue builds on presentations and discussions that took place during the fabulous Digitalization Think:Lab Thought Leaders’ Summit in Munich last fall. It will include six articles that analyze the key challenges the rise of social media brings for firms (and us all), crafted by an A-list of contributors from leading schools all over the planet under the critical, challenging eyes of 23 anonymous reviewers.
And the best news: the articles not only cover (and define) the state-of-the-art on topics like branding, CRM, social commerce, metrics, and organizational transformation, but are actually quite readable even for those who have not spent their life in academia so far! (OK, most parts are…)
You can download the articles from the journal website.
Here are the details:
Editorial -- Marketing the Pinball Way: Understanding How Social Media Changes the Generation of Value for Consumers and Companies
by Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Charles Hofacker, and Björn Bloching
Consumer Power: Evolution in the Digital Age
by Lauren Labrecque, Jonas Vor Dem Esche, Charla Mathwick, Tom Novak, and Charles Hofacker
Managing Brands in the Social Media Environment
by Sonja Gensler, Franziska Völckner, Yuping Liu-Thompkins, and Caroline Wiertz
Managing Customer Relationships in the Social Media Era: Introducing the Social CRM House
by Edward Malthouse, Michael Haenlein, Bernd Skiera, Egbert Wege, and Michael Zhang
Social Commerce: A Contingency Framework for Assessing Marketing Potential
by Manjit Yadav, Kristine de Valck, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Donna Hoffman, and Martin Spann
Social Media Metrics - A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media
by Kay Peters, Yubo Chen, Andreas Kaplan, Bjoern Ognibeni, and Koen Pauwels
Destination Social Business: Exploring The Organizations' Journey With Social Media, Collaborative Community And Expressive Individuality
by Bruce Weinberg, Ko de Ruyter, Chris Dellarocas, Michael Buck, and Debbie Keeling