
Mark Houston teaches Survey Research at the MCM

Münster enjoyed a fully packed week of hard academic work with Mark B. Houston (Professor and Head of the Marketing Department at Texas A&M University), who taught about 20 doctoral students from various centers of the business school the essentials of the design and value of survey research. What is the role of theory as a foundation of survey research? What are the differences between different scale types?

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Julian Allendorf (IfM) Receives GSSI Best Doctoral Student Paper Award

For his paper on “Direct Selling Distributors – Why Do They Stay or Leave!”, Julian Allendorf has been awarded with the GSSI 2017 Best Doctoral Student Paper Award. The prize-winning paper is based on joint work with professors Anne T. Coughlan, PhD (Northwestern University, USA) and Dr. Manfred Krafft (Muenster). The award was handed over to Manfred Krafft by the President of Mauritius, Ameenah Firdaus Gurib-Fakim (see photo) during a conference reception on June 8.

Read more about Julian Allendorf (IfM) Receives GSSI Best Doctoral Student Paper Award

Dr. Sonja Gensler gewinnt Wissenschaftspreis

Dr. Sonja Gensler hat gemeinsam mit Dr. Alec Minnema (Ordina) und Prof. Tammo Bijmolt (Universität Groningen) den Wissenschaftspreis der niederländischen Marktforschungsvereinigung MOA gewonnen. Mit dem Wissenschaftspreis wurden die Arbeiten der drei Forscher rund um das Thema Retourenverhalten im Online-Handel gewürdigt. Der Preis wurde am 7. Juni 2017 in Zandvoort überreicht.

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Julian Allendorf participated in the 30th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium

Immediately prior to the annual conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), the 30th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium was held from May 21 to May 23 in Groningen, the Netherlands. The colloquium was organized by the European Institute for advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the EMAC in collaboration with the University of Groningen. Competition among all submissions for the available slots was fierce and Julian Allendorf from the Institute of Marketing was selected as one of 60 doctoral students among an overall of 136 applicants.

Read more about Julian Allendorf participated in the 30th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium

Article by Manfred Krafft available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

The article "Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns — Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?" by Manfred Krafft, co-authored by Christine M. Arden (University of Muenster) and Peter C. Verhoef (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) is now available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing. The article is an open access paper, and can be downloaded and shared for free using this link.

Read more about Article by Manfred Krafft available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

Article by Dr. Sonja Gensler available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

The article "The Showrooming Phenomenon: It's More than Just About Price" by Dr. Sonja Gensler together with Prof. Peter Verhoef (Universität Groningen, Netherlands) and Prof. Scott Neslin (Dartmouth Business School, USA) is now available at Journal of Interactive Marketing. Direct link to the article.

Read more about Article by Dr. Sonja Gensler available online at Journal of Interactive Marketing

Sales Education Foundation names University of Muenster in 2017 ANNUAL magazine “Top Universities for Professional Sales Education” Listing

Top Sales Programs are recognized for elevating the sales profession through university education

The Marketing Center Muenster announces their recognition by the Sales Education Foundation (SEF) as a “Top Universities for Professional Sales Education” program in their 2017 ANNUAL magazine. SEF recognizes the Marketing Center Muenster for preparing students for successful careers in professional selling and helping to elevate the sales profession. The SEF 2017 ANNUAL magazine, their 10th edition, will be available on their website, www.salesfoundation.org, by the end of April.

Read more about Sales Education Foundation names University of Muenster in 2017 ANNUAL magazine “Top Universities for Professional Sales Education” Listing

Dr. Sonja Gensler für Wissenschaftspreis nominiert

Dr. Sonja Gensler ist zusammen mit Alec Minnema und Tammo Bijmolt (Universität Groningen)  für den Wissenschaftspreis 2017 der niederländischen Marktforschungsvereinigung MOA (Zentrum für Informationen basierte Entscheidungsfindung & Marketing Research) nominiert. Die Nominierung bezieht sich auf die Forschungsprojekte rund um das Thema wie Online-Händler die Retourenquote reduzieren können.

Link: http://www.moawards.nl/wetenschapsprijs

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Joe Hair increases FIT between Muenster and Structural Equation Modeling

Muenster’s marketing academics enjoyed a fully packed week of hard work and hard fun with “multivariate legend” Professor Dr. Joe F. Hair, who not only taught students on the intricacies of both structural equation modeling, but also gave interesting insights by reflecting on his long and successful academic career. Although Professor Hair could not fully hide his enthusiasm for partial least squares, he covered also the covariance-based approach of structural equation modeling in his course.

Read more about Joe Hair increases FIT between Muenster and Structural Equation Modeling

Professor Hennig-Thurau co-chairs WOM workshop at University of Zaragoza

Together with Michael Haenlein, Professor of Marketing at the business school ESCP Europe, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau were invited to co-chair a two-day workshop on “Word of Mouth and Social Media Marketing in the Digital Era” at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. The event, in which ten doctoral students and professors presented their work in the field and got feedback from the audience and the co-chairs, was organized by Professor Dr.

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