
When Hollywood comes to Münster: Practical insights into the movie business

The entertainment industry, and the movie business in particular, is experiencing turbulent times. New technologies, channels, and players challenge Hollywood’s existing business models, with large numbers of consumers shifting their watching behavior toward streaming services. As part of Professor Hennig-Thurau’s master course on “Entertainment Media Marketing,” two executives discussed these changes and the state of filmed entertainment from very different angles.

Read more about When Hollywood comes to Münster: Practical insights into the movie business

"Entertainment Media Marketing" Course at the Movies: Green Book

Field trip to entertainment practice: As the grand finale of our "Entertainment Media Marketing" course, some 30 MCM students and their lecturers, along with professors from other departments of the University of Münster School of Business and Economics, headed for the Schlosstheater and inspected the movie "Green Book", a Golden Globe winner and multiple Oscar nominee, on its release day.

Read more about "Entertainment Media Marketing" Course at the Movies: Green Book

Event | Snacks & Chat with Capgemini

After lecture Innovation Management
Tuesday, 22. January 2019 - 12:00 to Wednesday, 18. December 2024 - 12:00, MCM 006

In the next guest speaker session of Innovation Management on January  22nd MCM alumni Dr. Monske and Dr. Stafflage from Capgemini Invent will be talking about structured thinking and digital transformation projects.

Afterwards you are invited to a get-together at the MCM in room 006 (ground floor) starting at 12 o‘clock Capgemini will be providing snacks and drinks. Please feel free to join us for great networking possibilities and interesting discussions.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Read more about Event | Snacks & Chat with Capgemini

Workshop | Bewerbungstraining (by IWM and FERRERO)

Thursday, 17. January 2019 - 0:00 to Wednesday, 18. December 2024 - 12:00, HMB 110

Das Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing und FERRERO laden ein zum BEWERBUNGSTRAINING

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2019
Raum: HMB 110
Beginn: 15:00 Uhr
Ende: ca. 18:00 Uhr

Alles Wissenswerte rund um das Thema Bewerbung | Das 1x1 der Bewerbung | Worauf es im Assessment Center ankommt -Dos und Don‘ts

Eine Anmeldung zu der Veranstaltung ist bis zum 10.12.2018 möglich.

Read more about Workshop | Bewerbungstraining (by IWM and FERRERO)

Event | Meet the MCM Alumni | Johanna Alfs (BCG)

Thursday, 15. November 2018 - 18:00 to Wednesday, 18. December 2024 - 12:00, HMB Raum 110

15. November 2018
Beginn 18:00 Uhr


Eine Anmeldung zu der Veranstaltung ist erforderlich und die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 15 Teilnehmer/innen begrenzt.

Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing @ MCM
Am Stadtgraben 13-15
48143 Münster

Lernen Sie unsere Alumni kennen und erfahren Sie, was sie nach Abschluss des Studiums am MCM beruflich erlebt haben.

Read more about Event | Meet the MCM Alumni | Johanna Alfs (BCG)

Professor Kübler appointed as Jury member for the Neptun Crossmedia Award - 5 FREE Award Show Tickets for MCM students

From November 7 to November 8 Professor Kübler serves on the Jury board of Germany’s leading crossmedia award „Neptun" in Hamburg. Together with distinguished experts from the media and advertising industry he selects the best integrated advertising campaigns which relied on a cross-media approach.

Read more about Professor Kübler appointed as Jury member for the Neptun Crossmedia Award - 5 FREE Award Show Tickets for MCM students

Conference | Münsteraner Marketing Symposium 2018

Friday, 9. November 2018 - 0:00 to Wednesday, 18. December 2024 - 12:00

Am Freitag, den 09. November 2018, veranstaltet der Alumni-Verein des Marketing Center Münster sein alljährliches Symposium.

Zum Thema „KI und Marketing Analytics - living by numbers?“ diskutieren hochrangige Manager und Experten die zahlreichen Facetten dieser hochaktuellen Fragestellung.

Read more about Conference | Münsteraner Marketing Symposium 2018

Guest lecture | Lorena Rautzenberg of Henkel on Consumer Behavior

Wednesday, 24. October 2018 - 14:15 to 15:45

Wir freuen uns, Lorena Rautzenberg (Digital Marketing Manager/Trade) am 24.10.2018 von 14:15 Uhr bis 15:45 Uhr als Gastrednerin im Rahmen der Vorlesung Consumer Behavior im JUR490 (Universitätsstraße 14-16) begrüßen zu dürfen.

Über Henkel

Read more about Guest lecture | Lorena Rautzenberg of Henkel on Consumer Behavior

Meet the MCM Alumni Event on November 15, 2018 | Johanna Alfs (BCG)

15. November 2018
Beginn 18:00 Uhr


Eine Anmeldung zu der Veranstaltung ist erforderlich und die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 15 Teilnehmer/innen begrenzt.

Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing @ MCM
Am Stadtgraben 13-15
48143 Münster

Lernen Sie unsere Alumni kennen und erfahren Sie, was sie nach Abschluss des Studiums am MCM beruflich erlebt haben.

Read more about Meet the MCM Alumni Event on November 15, 2018 | Johanna Alfs (BCG)
