Neslin, , Scott, A. S., Jerath, , Kinshuk, K., Bodapati, , Anand, V. A., Bradlow, , Eric, T. E., Deighton, , John, J., Gensler, , Sonja, S., Lee, , Leonard, L., Montaguti, , Elisa, E., Telang, , Rahul, R., Venkatesan, , Raj, R., Verhoef, , Peter, C. P., Zhang, , Z., J. Z., & , (2014). The interrelationships between brand and channel choice. Marketing Letters, 25(3), 330.
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author = { Neslin and A. S.A. Scott and Jerath and K. Kinshuk and Bodapati and V. A.V. Anand and Bradlow and T. E.T. Eric and Deighton and J. John and Gensler and S. Sonja and Lee and L. Leonard and Montaguti and E. Elisa and Telang and R. Rahul and Venkatesan and R. Raj and Verhoef and C. P.C. Peter and Zhang and John Z.J. Z. and },
title = {The interrelationships between brand and channel choice},
journal = {Marketing Letters},
year = {2014},
volume = {25},
number = {3},
pages = {330},
doi = {10.1007/s11002-014-9305-2},
note = {Publication status: Published}