• Research article (journal)


    Gauß, P., Gensler, S., Kortenhaus, M., Riedel, N., & Schneider, A. (2024). Regulating the sharing economy: The effects of day caps on short- and long-term rental markets and stakeholder outcomes. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52.
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    Gensler, S., Oehring, K., & Wiesel, T. (2024). Reported and Communicated Shifts in Strategic Emphasis and Firm Performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(2), 220–240.
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    Libai, B. &. Y. B., Gensler, S., Hofacker, C. F., Kaplan, A., Kötterheinrich, K., & Kroll, E. B. (2020). Brave New World? On AI and the Management of Customer Relationships. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 51(August), 44–56.
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    de Vries, L., Gensler, S., & Leeflang, P. S. (2017). Effects of Traditional Advertising and Social Messages on Brand-Building Metrics and Customer Acquisition. Journal of Marketing (J Mark), 81(5), 1–15.
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    Gensler, S., Neslin, S. A., & Verhoef, P. C. (2017). The Showrooming Phenomenon: It's More than Just About Price. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 38(May), 29–43.
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    Gensler, S., Völckner, F., Egger, M., Fischbach, K., & Schoder, D. (2016). Listen to Your Customers: Insights into Brand Image Using Online Consumer-Generated Product Reviews. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 20(1), 112–141.
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    Minnema, A., Bijmolt, T., Gensler, S., & Wiesel, T. (2016). To Keep or Not to Keep: Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Product Returns. Journal of Retailing, 92(3).
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    Minnema, A., Bijmolt, T., Gensler, S., & Wiesel, T. (2016). To Keep or Not to Keep: Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Product Returns. Journal of Retailing, 92(3), 253–267.
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    Neslin, , Scott, A. S., Jerath, , Kinshuk, K., Bodapati, , Anand, V. A., Bradlow, , Eric, T. E., Deighton, , John, J., Gensler, , Sonja, S., Lee, , Leonard, L., Montaguti, , Elisa, E., Telang, , Rahul, R., Venkatesan, , Raj, R., Verhoef, , Peter, C. P., Zhang, , Z., J. Z., & , (2014). The interrelationships between brand and channel choice. Marketing Letters, 25(3), 330.
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    Gensler, , Sonja, S., Leeflang, , Peter, S. H. P., Skiera, , Bernd, B., & , (2013). Comparing methods to separate treatment from self-selection effects in an online banking setting. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1278.
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    Gensler, , Sonja, S., Völckner, , Franziska, F., Liu-Thompkins, , Yuping, Y., Wiertz, , Caroline, C., & , (2013). Managing brands in the social media environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 256.
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    De, V. L., Gensler, S., & Leeflang, P. (2012). Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26(2), 91.
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    Gensler, S., Leeflang, P., & Skiera, B. (2012). Impact of Online Channel Use on Customer Revenues and Costs to Serve: Considering Product Portfolios and Self-Selection. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(2), 192–201.
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    Gensler, , Sonja, S., Verhoef, , Peter, C. P., Böhm, , Martin, M., & , (2012). Understanding consumers' multichannel choices across the different stages of the buying process. Marketing Letters, 23(4), 1003.
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    Frischmann, , Tanja, T., Gensler, , Sonja, S., & , (2011). Influence of perceptual metrics on customer profitability: The mediating effect of behavioural metrics. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 16(1), 26.
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    Gensler, S., Hinz, O., Skiera, B., & Theysohn, S. (2011). Willingness-to-Pay Estimation with Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis: Addressing Extreme Response Behavior with Individually Adapted Designs. European Journal of Operational Research, 219, 368–378.
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    Zhang, T., Gensler, S., & Garcia, R. (2011). A Study of the Diffusion of Alternative Fuel Vehicles: An Agent-based Modeling Approach. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(2), 152–168.
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    Albers, S., Gensler, S., & van de Bergh, J. (2010). Entscheidungsunterstützung unter Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen von Entscheidungsträgern am Beispiel der Gestaltung von optionalen Girokonto-Tarifen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), 80(6), 617–638.
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    Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., Rangaswamy, A., & Skiera, B. (2010). The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships. Journal of Service Research, 13(3), 311–330.
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    Gensler, S., Skiera, B., Böhm, , & M., (2007). Einfluss der Online-Banking Nutzung auf die Profitabilität von Bankkunden. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), 77(6), 675–695.
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    Gensler, , Sonja, S., Dekimpe, , Marnik, G. M., Skiera, , Bernd, B., & , (2007). Evaluating channel performance in multi-channel environments. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14(1), 23.
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    Gensler, S. (2006). Ermittlung von Präferenzen für Produkteigenschaften mit Hilfe der Choice-Based Conjoint Analyse (Teil II). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 35(6), 316–319.
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    Gensler, S. (2006). Ermittlung von Präferenzen für Produkteigenschaften mit Hilfe der Choice-Based Conjoint Analyse (Teil I). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 35(5), 254–258.
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    Gensler, S., & Böhm, M. (2006). Kanalwahlverhalten von Kunden in einem Multikanalumfeld. Thexis — Fachzeitschrift für Marketing, 4, 31–36.
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    Gensler, , Sonja, S., Skiera, , Bernd, B., Böhm, , Martin, M., & , (2005). Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Matching Methode zur Berücksichtigung von Selbstselektion. Journal fur Betriebswirtschaft, 55(1), 62.
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    Skiera, B., & Gensler, S. (2002). Berechnung von Nutzenfunktionen und Marktsimu¬la¬tionen mit Hilfe der Conjoint-Analyse (Teil II). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 31(5), 15–20.
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    Skiera, B., & Gensler, S. (2002). Berechnung von Nutzenfunktionen und Marktsimulationen mit Hilfe der Conjoint-Analyse (Teil I). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 31(4), 31–37.
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    Posselt, T., & Gensler, S. (2000). Ein transaktionskostenorientierter Ansatz zur Erklärung von Handelsbetriebstypen. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 60(2), 182–198.
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  • Editorial (journal)


    Rangaswamy, A., & Gensler, S. (2024). Editors’ Parting Thoughts: Retrospective and Prospective.
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  • Text book (monograph)


    Backhaus, K., Erichson, B., Gensler, S., Weiber, R., & Weiber, T. (2023). Multivariate Analysis: An Application-Oriented Introduction.
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    Backhaus, K., Erichson, B., Gensler, S., Weiber, R., & Weiber, T. (2023). Multivariate Analysemethoden — Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung.
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  • Research article (book contribution)


    Gensler, S. (2022). Finite Mixture Models. In Homburg, C., Klarmann, M., & Vomberg, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Market Research (1st ed., pp. 251–264). Springer, Cham.
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  • Book (monograph)


    Backhaus, K., Erichson, B., Gensler, S., Weiber, R., & Weiber, T. (2021). Multivariate Analysemethoden (16). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
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    Backhaus, K., Erichson, B., Gensler, S., Weiber, R., & Weiber, T. (2021). Multivariate Analysis — An Application-Oriented Introduction (1st ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH.
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    Skiera, B., König, W., Gensler, S., Weitzel, T., Beimborn, D., Blumenberg, S., Franke, J., & Pfaff, D. (2003). Financial-Chain-Management Prozessanalyse, Effizienzpotenziale und Outsourcing — Eine empirische Untersuchung mit den 1.000 größten deutschen Unternehmen, Norderstedt. Norderstedt.
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  • Research article in proceedings (conference)


    Monske, S., Gensler, S., & Wiesel, T. (2016). Investigating consumer’s online search and decision-making strategies: An eye-tracking analysis of visual attention on product and review-specific information in a two-stage choice process. In Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Annual Conference, Oslo, Norwegen, 1–7. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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    Gensler, S., Wiesel, T., & Leweling, S. (2014). The value of user-generated content and social shopping tools: differentiation between active, passive and non-users. In Proceedings of the Oxford Retail Futures Conference: Innovation in Retail and Distribution, Oxford, Großbritannien.
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    Minnema, A., Bijmolt, T., Gensler, S., & —, W. T. (2013). To Keep or Not to Keep: Effect of Customer Generated Content on Product Returns. In Proceedings of the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2013, Istanbul, Türkei. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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    Minnema, A., Bijmolt, T., Gensler, S., & Wiesel, T. (2013). To Keep or Not to Keep: Effect of Customer Generated Content on Product Returns. In Proceedings of the EMAC Conference 2013, Istanbul, Türkei. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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    Gensler, S., & Wiesel, T. (2012). Does Engaging Customers Actually Pay Off? The Value of Social Shopping Tools. In Proceedings of the EMAC Conference 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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    Wiesel, T., Gensler, , S., , Garcia, , & R., (2011). Online Idea Generation: Unmasking Customer's Desires. In Proceedings of the PDMA Academic Research Forum, Phoenix, USA. (accepted / in press (not yet published))
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    Boehm, , Martin, M., Gensler, , Sonja, S., & , (2005). Evaluating the impact of the online sales channel on customer profitability. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, 171.
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  • Thesis (doctoral or post-doctoral)


    Gensler, S. (2003). Heterogenität in der Präferenzanalyse — Ein Vergleich von hierarchischen Bayes-Modellen und Finite-Mixture-Modellen. at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Wiesbaden: Deutscher-Universitäts Verlag.
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