
Customers in the solutions business: What role do they play and what makes solutions more effective for them?

Due to increased international competitive pressure, supplier companies in the B2B sector are transforming from product providers to solution providers. In the solutions business, suppliers provide their customers with individual offerings with the aim of improving customer processes by solving strategically important customer problems. However, solutions can only be successful if customers actively participate in the different phases of the solutions process, namely the definition of requirements, the implementation as well as the review of the offering.

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(E)WOM to the Rescue! When Do We Consult Which Word-of-Mouth Channel to Buy the Best Product?

Münster’s marketing scholars have added one more piece to the EWOM puzzle: Almost 20 years after MCM Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau published what became the seminal study on consumer articulations about products and services on the internet, a team of scholars from the Marketing Center Münster has shed more light on what can be easily considered the most powerful information source in today’s digital market environment.

Read more about (E)WOM to the Rescue! When Do We Consult Which Word-of-Mouth Channel to Buy the Best Product?
Raoul Volker Kübler

NIM Publication by Professor Kübler targets Dark Sides of Digital Marketing

In his recent publication: Metrics gone wrong: What managers can learn from the 2016 presidential elections, MCM scholar Raoul Kübler discusses together with his colleague Professor Koen Pauwels from Northeastern University, Boston USA how relying on biased market intelligence and targeting the wrong KPIs had fatal consequences for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

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Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

Professor Krafft, MCM scholar and head of the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM), is the lead author of the study “Insight is Power: Understanding the Terms of the Consumer-Firm Data Exchange”, co-authored by a multinational research team consisting of, among others, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, and Jialie Chen.

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Hollywood Goes Germany: Wie der Eintritt neuer Streaming-Dienste den Wettbewerb um Zuschauer weiter verschärft

Der Einstieg von Disney+ als erster Streaming-Dienst „Made in Hollywood“ setzt etablierte TV-Sender, insbesondere öffentlich-rechtliche, zusätzlich unter Druck. Aber auch Streaming-Giganten leiden unter der neuen Konkurrenz – zumindest in Sachen Sehzeit: Die Streaming-Marktführer verlieren bei Disney+-Adoptern knapp vier Prozentpunkte der Sehzeit im Vergleich zu Nicht-Adoptern; die Zahl der Abonnenten ist drei Monate nach Markteintritt (noch) nicht betroffen. Die Corona-Pandemie beschleunigt den Streaming-Trend: 50 bis 69-Jährige steigern ihre Streaming-Sehzeit um 15%.

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Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

The new study “Insight is Power: Understanding the Terms of the Consumer-Firm Data Exchange” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Retailing. The paper has been co-authored by Professor Krafft and a multinational research team consisting of, among others, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, and Jialie Chen.

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Three articles by Professor Hennig-Thurau among the “Top 20” most cited articles in IJRM

The research database Scopus has revealed the most cited articles published by the "International Journal of Research in Marketing" (IJRM). IJRM is the official journal of the European Marketing Association and considered an A-journal in the JOURQUAL3 ranking due to its high scientific quality. All articles published in the journal since 2017 qualified for the “most cited” list.

Among the 20 most cited IJRM articles are three papers (co-)authored by researchers affiliated with Münster’s Marketing Center:

Read more about Three articles by Professor Hennig-Thurau among the “Top 20” most cited articles in IJRM

Paper on the fourth industrial revolution by Professor Krafft et al. published at JIM

The research paper “Challenges and Opportunities for Marketing Scholars in Times of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Professor Manfred Krafft (IfM), Professor Laszlo Sajtos (University of Auckland), and Professor Michael Haenlein (ESCP Business School) is now available at the Journal of Interactive Marketing (JIM).

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Umsatz durch Transformation

IfM-Wissenschaftler untersuchen Neuausrichtung von Einzelhandelsfiliale

Der Wettbewerbsdruck treibt viele stationäre Einzelhändler zu Investitionen: Um sich von Wettbewerbern abzugrenzen, gestalten die großen Lebensmitteleinzelhändler Aldi, Rewe, Edeka und Real ihre Filialen grundlegend um. Das Ziel der Einzelhändler liegt darin, den angestammten Kundenkreis zu binden und neue Kunden hinzuzugewinnen.

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“Entertainment Science”: Celebrating 1.7 million downloads!

Last year, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau from the Marketing Center Münster published his multiyear effort "Entertainment Science: Data Analytics and Practical Theory for Movies, Games, Books, and Music”, co-authored by Mark B. Houston, Professor of Marketing at Texas Christian University (Fort Worth) and Visiting International Professor at the University of Münster.

Read more about “Entertainment Science”: Celebrating 1.7 million downloads!
