
Shopper Meets Consumer – Henkel’s Way Into an Insight Driven Culture

Yet again, Henkel visited the lecture “Consumer Behavior” and demonstrated how the theoretical fundamentals taught in the lecture are applied in practice. Laura Lorch and Peter Reichmann (Category Insight Management at Henkel Beauty Care) offered fascinating insights in their talk entitled “Shopper Meets Consumer – Henkel’s Way Into an Insight Driven Culture”.

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FIEGE Logistik zu Gast in der „Innovation Management“-Vorlesung

Am 29.10.2019 besuchte das Unternehmen FIEGE Logistik im Rahmen eines Gastvortrages den Kurs Innovation Management. Andreas Pott, Director of Corporate Development bei FIEGE, gab während seines Vortrages spannende Einblicke zu dem Thema „(Entrepreneurial) Innovation Management within Companies“.

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eCapital AG zu Gast in der „[Entrepreneurial] Innovation Management“-Vorlesung

Am 05.11.2019 begrüßte das IWM im Rahmen der Master-Vorlesung „[Entrepreneurial] Innovation Management“ Bernd Arkenau, Partner der eCapital AG.  Die eCapital AG unterstützt und begleitet junge, innovative Technologieunternehmen als Venture Capital Gesellschaft in ihrer Wachstumsentwicklung.


Read more about eCapital AG zu Gast in der „[Entrepreneurial] Innovation Management“-Vorlesung

Living in the Age of You - Branding for Growth

On Tuesday, June 25, Dr. Julien Dolenc (Associate Director Strategy) and Juan Barrios (Senior Designer) held a guest lecture in Marketing Operations on “Living in the Age of You | Branding for Growth”. During the course of the presentation, the two representatives of the global brand consultancy Interbrand comprehensively outlined what it takes to make iconic moves in order to generate brand value. In doing so, students were encouraged to see in an illustrated way which impact the actual application of marketing operation tools in the real business world can have.

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Marketing Performance - Toward Next Generation MROI

How can marketing performance be measured in our increasingly sophisticated digital age? Oliver Gediehn (Expert Associate Partner) and Peter Saffert (Expert) from McKinsey & Company visited the Marketing Center Muenster to provide an answer on this question. On June 21, 2019, they gave a guest lecture in the Marketing Operations course, led by Dr. Gerrit Cziehso.

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