
Living in the Age of You - Branding for Growth

On Tuesday, June 25, Dr. Julien Dolenc (Associate Director Strategy) and Juan Barrios (Senior Designer) held a guest lecture in Marketing Operations on “Living in the Age of You | Branding for Growth”. During the course of the presentation, the two representatives of the global brand consultancy Interbrand comprehensively outlined what it takes to make iconic moves in order to generate brand value. In doing so, students were encouraged to see in an illustrated way which impact the actual application of marketing operation tools in the real business world can have.

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MCM Students Access the Consumer's Mind - New Seminar on "User-Generated Content"

New Seminar on User-Generated Content Delivers Key Tools for Future Marketing Managers

Consumers are increasingly using social media channels to share information directly with companies as well as other users, whether active or prospective customers. Every minute, social media users around the world create about half a million posts on Facebook and Twitter, watch and comment on 4.3 million YouTube videos, generate 2.4 million snaps, like 174,000 images on Instagram and search for 3.7 million terms on Google.

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MCM Goes EMAC: Strong Presence of MCM Scholars at Leading European Marketing Conference

From May 28th until May 31st 2019, the 48th EMAC Annual Conference was held in Hamburg, with more than 1,000 scholarly attendants from all over Europe and the world. The conference provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of current academic research projects, panel discussions, and special sessions with thought leaders in their respective fields. Scholars from different areas of the MCM took part in all those different activities.

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Marketing Performance - Toward Next Generation MROI

How can marketing performance be measured in our increasingly sophisticated digital age? Oliver Gediehn (Expert Associate Partner) and Peter Saffert (Expert) from McKinsey & Company visited the Marketing Center Muenster to provide an answer on this question. On June 21, 2019, they gave a guest lecture in the Marketing Operations course, led by Dr. Gerrit Cziehso.

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Autounfälle per künstlicher Intelligenz regulieren - Gastvortrag von Dr. Florian Pallas (Control€xpert)

Jeden Tag passieren in Deutschland rund 7.200 Verkehrsunfälle. Dabei kommen in 89 % der Fälle glücklicherweise keine Menschen zu Schaden. Besonders für Autofahrer sind Unfälle jedoch ärgerlich, weil deren Regulierung nicht selten mit Gutachterterminen und langwierigen Schriftwechseln mit der Versicherung verbunden ist.

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MCM Spotlight: 100+ Sekunden Gedankenfutter aus Münster mit Mirko Caspar

Die zwölfte Episode unserer Interviewreihe "MCM Spotlight" ist online! In diesem Format teilen ausgewählte Gäste des Marketing Center Münster in (ungefähr) 100 Sekunden ihre Sicht der Dinge mit Marketingstudenten, Wissenschaftlern und Managern.

Er hat den Online-Kauf von Brillen revolutioniert und in ein echtes Shopping-Erlebnis verwandelt: Mirko Caspar, FB4-Absolvent und Co-Gründer von Mister Spex. Im Video spricht er über Unterschiede im Management von Start-Ups und etablierten Unternehmen und gibt Einblicke in sein Verständnis von gutem Marketing.

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MCM Scholars receive best paper award

For their paper on store-reinventions, Manfred Krafft and Mirja Kroschke along with their co-authors Els Breugelmans (KU Leuven), Marleen Hermans (KU Leuven) and Murali Mantrala (University of Missouri), have been awarded with the Best Paper Award at the Research on National Brand and Private Label Marketing (NB&PL) International Conference. The conference took place from June 12 to 14 in Barcelona (Spain), and is the primary international forum to present and discuss original, rigorous and significant contributions specifically on NB and PL issues.

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Free No More! Research by Gerrit Cziehso about Price Introductions Published in JBR

Dr. Gerrit Cziehso recently published a study on customer's reactions to unexpected price introductions in the Journal of Business Research (Vol. 101). Unexpected price introductions occur when companies introduce prices for previously free products or services. These strategic decisions are common in many industries, such as hospitality (e.g., introduction of fees for internet access inside the hotel), banking (e.g., introduction of checking account fees), or media and entertainment (e.g., introduction of fees for using online content).

Read more about Free No More! Research by Gerrit Cziehso about Price Introductions Published in JBR