
Customers in the solutions business: What role do they play and what makes solutions more effective for them?

Due to increased international competitive pressure, supplier companies in the B2B sector are transforming from product providers to solution providers. In the solutions business, suppliers provide their customers with individual offerings with the aim of improving customer processes by solving strategically important customer problems. However, solutions can only be successful if customers actively participate in the different phases of the solutions process, namely the definition of requirements, the implementation as well as the review of the offering.

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IWM sucht wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen

Am Institut für Wertbasiertes Marketing (IWM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms‐Universität (Marketing Center Münster, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften) ist unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler und Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiesel zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zunächst befristet auf 3 Jahre eine 75%- Stelle der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin /  wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV‐L) zu besetzen.

Wir sind ein dynamisches Team.

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Willkommen im Metaverse - Professor Hennig-Thurau in der FAZ über die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen virtueller Parallelwelten

Die weltweit größten Tech-Giganten arbeiten mit Hochdruck an der nächsten digitalen Revolution – dem Metaverse. Virtuelle Welten auf Plattformen wie Roblox und Fortnite werden bereits heute von mehreren hundert Millionen Nutzern bevölkert, von seiner Virtual Reality-Brille Quest 2 hat Meta (ehemals Facebook) mehr als 10 Millionen Stück abgesetzt.

Read more about Willkommen im Metaverse - Professor Hennig-Thurau in der FAZ über die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen virtueller Parallelwelten

WWU receives funding from the 'Erasmus+' program for project on "Customer Management Skills in Digitalizing B2B Markets ”

The WWU, under the leadership of Professor Manfred Krafft, has been awarded funding for partnerships in higher education through the "Erasmus+" program. Despite first experiences with Erasmus+ at the University of Münster, this is a particularly pleasing result, as only a few funding applications in the co-application procedure have been approved so far for the WWU. The project duration is 3 years.

Read more about WWU receives funding from the 'Erasmus+' program for project on "Customer Management Skills in Digitalizing B2B Markets ”

Strengthening university ties – Professor Krafft visits university on Gran Canaria

In March 2022, Professor Manfred Krafft spent three weeks at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The primary goal of the stay was to promote cooperation efforts between the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the WWU on various levels. On the one hand, an exchange program between the universities is to be established, which is to be implemented department-wide at the level of students, doctoral candidates and lecturers.

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Raoul Kübler will leave MCM for ESSEC Business School Paris at the end of September 2022

The team of the Marketing Center Münster announces that Professor Raoul Kübler will leave the Marketing Center Münster at the end of the coming summer semester to join ESSEC Business School in Paris as an Associate Professor of Marketing.

While the MCM is sad to lose a highly esteemed colleague and friend, we wish Raoul Kübler all the best for the next step in his career path. While it always comes as a disappointment to lose a valued colleague to another school, we acknowledge that ESSEC, as a world-renowned business school, is high-level competition.

Read more about Raoul Kübler will leave MCM for ESSEC Business School Paris at the end of September 2022