
Nico Lumma zu Gast in der Vorlesung Innovationsmanagement

Helmut Schmidt riet ihm einst, bloß nicht Politik zu studieren – doch er machte genau das und ist inzwischen einer der bedeutendsten Köpfe der Digitalisierung: Nico Lumma. Er ist COO des Next Media Accelerators,  Mitgründer des Vereins D64 – Zentrum für digitalen Fortschritt, er bloggt und schreibt Kolumnen für Bild. Am Donnerstag durfte der LMM Nico Lumma als Gast in der Vorlesung Innovationsmanagement begrüßen. „Gründet“, riet er den Studierenden und erläuterte ihnen, worauf es beim richtigen Gründen ankommt.

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Guest lecture by Dr. Lars Fiedler (McKinsey & Company), Daniel Hagemeier (4tree) and Dr. Kirsten Blacha (McKinsey & Company)

Marketing Operations
Friday, 7. July 2017 - 10:15 to 11:45, H1 (Schlossplatz 46)

Wir freuen uns, Dr. Lars Fiedler (VP and Solution General Manager Marketing Solutions), Daniel Hagemeier (CTO 4tree) und Dr. Kirsten Blacha (Engagement Manager) am 07.07.2017 von 10:15 Uhr bis 11:45 Uhr als Gastredner im Rahmen der Vorlesung Marketing Operations im H1 (Schlossplatz 46) begrüßen zu dürfen.

Über McKinsey

Read more about Guest lecture by Dr. Lars Fiedler (McKinsey & Company), Daniel Hagemeier (4tree) and Dr. Kirsten Blacha (McKinsey & Company)

Ajay Kohli teaches How to Publish in Leading Journals

The MCM welcomes the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Marketing, Ajay K. Kohli (Professor of Marketing, Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair, at Georgia Tech University), who currently teaches 20 doctoral students from various centres of the business and economics faculty on how to publish in a leading journal.

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Guest lecture by Dr. Claudio Felten (Managing Partner und General Manager cmx consulting by muuuh! group)

Customer Management
Wednesday, 5. July 2017 - 14:15 to 15:45, J2

Wir freuen uns, Dr. Claudio Felten am 05.07.2017 von 14.15 Uhr bis 15.45 Uhr als Gastredner im Rahmen der Vorlesung Customer Management im J2 (Oeconomicum) begrüßen zu dürfen.

Read more about Guest lecture by Dr. Claudio Felten (Managing Partner und General Manager cmx consulting by muuuh! group)

CEM Henkel-Workshop: Interactive soap dispenser, smart toothbrush and a lot more

On June 29, a group of members from the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM), consisting of the University of Münster, the University of Cologne and Free University of Berlin, visited the headquarters of Henkel Group in Düsseldorf. After Jana Müller from Corporate HR welcomed the students and introduced them to the company, they enjoyed a tour to the “Lighthouse Beauty Care” and gained exceptional insights on how Henkel communicates with its business customers.

Read more about CEM Henkel-Workshop: Interactive soap dispenser, smart toothbrush and a lot more

Vorankündigung: Studierendenevent Grill & Chill am 20. Juli 2017

Marketing Alumni Münster e.V. und die Strategieberatung SMP AG laden am 20. Juli zum traditionellen Studierendenevent Grill & Chill an den Aasee. Bei lockerer Atmosphäre, einem leckeren Grillbuffet und kühlen Getränken gibt es für Studierende ausreichend Gelegenheit, sich in persönlichen Gesprächen mit den Kollegen über SMP und die eigenen Karrierechancen zu informieren. Die Teilnahme an diesem Event ist für Studierende kostenlos. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Interesse? Dann einfach den Lebenslauf bis zum 13.

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Meet the MCM Alumni

mit Judith Henrichsmann (Airbnb Berlin)
Monday, 19. June 2017 - 18:00 to Tuesday, 23. July 2024 - 11:28, MCM Raum 06

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen den Event ‚Meet the MCM Alumni‘ anzukündigen! Die Idee zu diesem Event ist basierend auf Ihrem Feedback entstanden. Im Rahmen des Events ‚Meet the MCM Alumni‘ können Sie einen MCM Alumnus kennenlernen und Fragen stellen, die Sie beschäftigen. Zum Beispiel…

Wie laufen Bewerbungsprozesse ab? Wie bereite ich mich darauf vor?

Was sind Key Learnings aus den Bewerbungsgesprächen?

Wie finde ich den Arbeitgeber, der zu mir passt?

Was zeichnet den aktuellen Arbeitgeber aus?

Read more about Meet the MCM Alumni

Mark Houston teaches Survey Research at the MCM

Münster enjoyed a fully packed week of hard academic work with Mark B. Houston (Professor and Head of the Marketing Department at Texas A&M University), who taught about 20 doctoral students from various centers of the business school the essentials of the design and value of survey research. What is the role of theory as a foundation of survey research? What are the differences between different scale types?

Read more about Mark Houston teaches Survey Research at the MCM

CEM Arvato-Workshop on Digital Transformation

The business process outsourcing provider Arvato Bertelsmann invited students from the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) to a two-day workshop at its headquarters in Gütersloh, Germany. The workshop on digital transformation of customer services was coordinated by Karsten Kraume and Jiaqing Zhong who work at the Arvato CRM Solutions Group. During fascinating talks given by members of the CRM Solutions Group the students gained insights into how Arvato provides tailor-made solutions for customer interaction via different communication channels.

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Julian Allendorf (IfM) Receives GSSI Best Doctoral Student Paper Award

For his paper on “Direct Selling Distributors – Why Do They Stay or Leave!”, Julian Allendorf has been awarded with the GSSI 2017 Best Doctoral Student Paper Award. The prize-winning paper is based on joint work with professors Anne T. Coughlan, PhD (Northwestern University, USA) and Dr. Manfred Krafft (Muenster). The award was handed over to Manfred Krafft by the President of Mauritius, Ameenah Firdaus Gurib-Fakim (see photo) during a conference reception on June 8.

Read more about Julian Allendorf (IfM) Receives GSSI Best Doctoral Student Paper Award
