
Info-Tag Master BWL 2019

Thursday, 25. April 2019 - 0:00 to Tuesday, 23. July 2024 - 15:20, MCM

Wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren findet in diesem Jahr erneut der Info-Tag zum Master BWL statt. Hier informiert die Studienkoordination eigene und auswärtige Studieninteressierte über den Master BWL an der WWU. Darüber hinaus stellen die Center Accounting, Finance, Management und Marketing die Studieninhalte ihrer Major vor und bieten den Anwesenden die Möglichkeit, Professoren, Mitarbeiter und Studierende aus dem Major kennenzulernen.

Der Info-Tag Master BWL 2019 findet am 25. April statt.

Read more about Info-Tag Master BWL 2019

50 Years of Marketing in Münster

The MCM celebrates the foundation of the first marketing chair at a German university

1969 marks an important year for the University of Muenster for multiple reasons: Not only has it been the year in which the Muenster School of Business and Economics was founded, but also the year in which Professor Heribert Meffert was appointed professor and founded the first marketing chair at a German university. On April 1, 1969 Professor Meffert took on his new role in Muenster and initiated a successful development of marketing education and research that is still omnipresent today.

Read more about 50 Years of Marketing in Münster
