CEM visits Porsche – Omni-channel management in the luxury automotive industry
From May 11 to May 12, 20 highly motivated students of the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) embarked on an exciting two-day trip to Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen to gain valuable insights into work practices, atmospheres, and career opportunities at Porsche.
Professor Krafft gives laudatory speech for Finne brewery at the Marketing Club Münster Osnabrück
On May 16, Professor Manfred Krafft gave the laudatory speech for this year’s Marketing award at the regional Marketing Club Münster Osnabrück.
Picnic’s Area Potential Model: Insights From the Guest Lecture by Martin Wolter and Yannick Männersdörfer
On Friday, May 5, 2023, more than 400 students came to lecture hall H1, the largest at the University of Münster, despite the upcoming weekend. The reason was a guest lecture by the company Picnic as part of the bachelor course Marketing Analytics 1.
Now Back in Presence After Two Years - Mars Holds Guest Lecture in Sales Management
As part of the course Sales Management, we were pleased to welcome guest speakers from Mars to our lecture hall again on December 9, 2022, after two years of virtual visits. The guest lecture from Mars is a long and always well-received tradition that provides students with valuable insights from corporate practice.
Exam | Advanced Market Research
Neustart im Marketing: Das Münsteraner Marketing Symposium am 11.11. zu Metaverse, Verantwortung und (künstlicher) Intelligenz
Das Marketing Center Münster und der Marketing Alumni Münster e.V. laden ein zum:
NEUSTART IM MARKETING: Virtuelle Welten, neue Verantwortung und künstliche Intelligenz!
Michael Gerke wins BDD science award
In the last week of September, the German Direct Selling Association (BDD) held this year's Direct Selling Congress at Andel's Vienna House in Berlin. One of the many items on the program of the two-day congress was the presentation of the Science Awards.
Ringvorlesung | Nachhaltig erfolgreich Wirtschaften
Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften organisiert in jedem Semester eine Ringvorlesung zu aktuellen Themen, um in den Dialog mit der Stadtgesellschaft zu treten. Ziel der Ringvorlesung ist es, die Bedeutung einer wissenschaftlichen Haltung zu betonen und Interessierten Zugang zu aktuellen Erkenntnissen aus der Wissenschaft zu eröffnen.
Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík
As part of a doctoral colloquium, Professor Manfred Krafft and his team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) visited the University of Iceland in Reykjavík in mid-September. During two days, an exciting exchange with two different departments of the University of Iceland took place.