Several MCM members participated in premiere global doctoral consortium by the American Marketing Association

The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium brings together doctoral students from leading business schools around the globe to facilitate learning and networking among doctoral students and faculty members. Faculty members are invited by the organizers to participate and the business schools can send one doctoral student to the Consortium. Thus, being part of the Consortium is a great honor for all participants.
At this year’s 57th edition of the Consortium, which was hosted by the BI Norwegian Business School from June 14 to 17, 2023 in Oslo, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau introduced doctoral students and colleagues with the opportunities that the metaverse holds for marketing education, while Manfred Krafft discussed relevance and rigor in research and teaching and also participated in a session on „Opportunities in Retailing Research“. Sonja Gensler, who serves as co-editor of the Journal of Interactive Marketing, answered questions from doctoral students about publishing in top journals, in a joint session with other editors of marketing’s leading scholarly journals. Beyond those activities, all three MCM professors provided feedback to several projects doctoral students are currently working one in small break-out sessions.
Nilusha Aliman participated as a doctoral student of the MCM and presented her work on teamwork in the metaverse to several professors. “The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium gave me the opportunity to not only meet and discuss with leading marketing scholars from around the world, but also to connect with like-minded doctoral students and expand my network”, she commented on the experience.