
Practical Insights Into Omnichannel Management – Guest Lecture by Mars

On December 1, the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) had the pleasure of welcoming Mars as guest speakers in the Sales Management course. This longstanding tradition of Mars guest lectures is highly valued, offering students valuable insights from real-world corporate practice.

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Exploring the Pharmaceuticals Sector – Special Guest Lecture by Engelhard Arzneimittel

On December 8, the Chair of Marketing Management was thrilled to host Engelhard Arzneimittel in this year's Sales Management course. During the guest lecture, Tobias Frank, Sales Director National, shared valuable insights on sales territory alignment and provided a detailed examination of the pharmaceutical industry. Engelhard Arzneimittel's visits to the Sales Management course have become a cherished and longstanding tradition, highlighting their commitment to education.

Read more about Exploring the Pharmaceuticals Sector – Special Guest Lecture by Engelhard Arzneimittel

New Publication in the Journal of Retailing on the Future of Physical Stores

The new publication “The Future of Physical Stores: Creating Reasons for Customers to Visit” co-authored by Els Breugelmans (KU Leuven), Lina Altenburg (KU Leuven), Felix Lehmkuhle (University of Münster), Manfred Krafft (University of Münster), Lien Lamey (KU Leuven) and Anne L. Roggeveen (Babson College) is published by the Journal of Retailing.

Read more about New Publication in the Journal of Retailing on the Future of Physical Stores
Sertan Eravci

Chair of Marketing Management Welcomes Stijn Maesen from Imperial College London

From November 13 to 17, 2023, the Chair of Marketing Management welcomed Assistant Professor Stijn Maesen from Imperial College, London. Professor Maesen, who earned his Ph.D. in Marketing from KU Leuven, brings a wealth of experience from his previous work in marketing research at GfK.

Read more about Chair of Marketing Management Welcomes Stijn Maesen from Imperial College London

Research stay at the University of Kansas – Back home in Münster with numerous ideas

From October 17 to 29, Professor Manfred Krafft and Tim Kalwey undertook a research visit to the University of Kansas in Lawrence. Together with their co-authors, they worked on a major revision of a manuscript dealing with the future of selling. This research is in the second round of reviews at a top marketing journal.

Read more about Research stay at the University of Kansas – Back home in Münster with numerous ideas

Nilusha Aliman from XRLab@MCM stars in the PwC ‘TechTalks’ series hosted by thought leader Jeremy Dalton!

On Thursday, October 19, Nilusha Aliman from the MCM’s eXperimental Reality Lab (XRLab@MCM) participated in PwC’s global ‘TechTalks’ series, hosted by Jeremy Dalton, well-known thought leader and book author on immersive technologies along with fellow PwC XR expert Alex Ruhl, to present findings from the lab’s recently published working paper on meetings in the metaverse. On average, the 30-minutes episodes of the video podcast series reach an audience between 5,000 and 10.000 viewers.

Read more about Nilusha Aliman from XRLab@MCM stars in the PwC ‘TechTalks’ series hosted by thought leader Jeremy Dalton!

Blutspenden rettet Leben

Blut ist lebensnotwendiger Bestandteil des menschlichen Lebens. Ohne Blut können unsere Ärzt*innen und Pflegeteams in der Krankenversorgung Operationen und Therapien  nicht durchführen. Das UKM ist auf Menschen in Münster und im Münsterland angewiesen. Durch Ihre Bereitschaft, Blut oder Stammzellen zu spenden, wird unsere Arbeit erst möglich. Daher unsere Bitte: Spenden Sie Blut am UKM - in Münster für Münster. 


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