
International guest lecturers visited Chair of Marketing Management

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft, the Chair of Marketing Management once again offered the master course Consumer Behavior. The lecture is characterized by the participation of well-known guest speakers as Dr. Pia Furchheim (ZHAW School of Management and Law), Prof. Dr. Karen Gedenk (University of Hamburg) and Prof. Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer (University of Texas at Austin).

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Marketing Students from Münster Win International Advertising Award!

On November 28th 2019, a group of MCM marketing students secured a remarkable third place in the talents category of the prestigious Neptun Cross Media Award in Hamburg. The students had to develop an advertising campaign for the Münster lemonade brand liba as a final project for this summer’s “Integrated Marketing Communications” (IMC) class hold by MCM professor Raoul Kübler.

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Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau im Interview mit hr-iNFO: Über den Wert von Likes auf Plattformen, den Gutmenschen Mark Zuckerberg und die Influencer-Ökonomie

Derzeit experimentieren Instagram und Facebook damit, Like-Zahlen für Posts nicht mehr auszuweisen. Den Mitgliedern wird nur noch angezeigt, wie viel Zustimmung sie für eigene Beiträge bekommen haben. Dass Instagram zukünftig weltweit keine dieser Engagementwerte mehr anzeigen könnte, hat in der Fachwelt bereits für Aufregung gesorgt (siehe hierzu auch hier).

Read more about Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau im Interview mit hr-iNFO: Über den Wert von Likes auf Plattformen, den Gutmenschen Mark Zuckerberg und die Influencer-Ökonomie

Professor Anne T. Coughlan officially honored as "Visiting International Professor" (VIP)

Prof. Anne T. Coughlan holds the Polk Brothers Chair in Retailing and has been Professor of Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston (USA) since 1985. Her research focuses on sales channels, sales management, compensation and pricing. She currently conducts research on topics such as multichannel management or measuring the compliance, monitoring and enforcement of MAP policies. From October 29 to November 6, Prof. Anne T. Coughlan was once again a guest at the Marketing Center Münster to work with Prof.

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New publication by Professor Kübler: Social Media's Impact on the Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?

A new study by Professor Kübler just published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing shows how to rely on user generated content from Facebook to measure classic consumer mindset metrics such as brand awareness, brand liking, brand consideration, purchase likelihood or customer satisfaction.

Read more about New publication by Professor Kübler: Social Media's Impact on the Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?

Studie von LMM und Roland Berger zur Zukunft des deutschen Fernsehens ruft großes Medienecho hervor

In ihrer gemeinsam mit der Unternehmensberatung Roland Berger herausgegebenen Studie „Quo Vadis, deutsche Medien?“ argumentieren Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau und Ricarda Schauerte (Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Medien), dass sich die deutsche Fernsehlandschaft grundlegend wandeln wird.

Read more about Studie von LMM und Roland Berger zur Zukunft des deutschen Fernsehens ruft großes Medienecho hervor