• Research foci

    • Impact of digital transformation on market-oriented management
    • Marketing Performance Measurement
    • Relevance of societal change for marketing
  • Education

    1999- 2003
    PhD | Goethe University Frankfurt
    1994- 1999
    Business and Economics Studies | Goethe University Frankfurt
    1993- 1995
    Law Studies | Goethe Unievrsity Frankfurt
  • Positions

    12/2020- 09/2024
    Vice Dean for Research & Transfer
    10/2019- 12/2024
    Stand-in Professor | Chair of Value-Based Marketing
    10/2019- 09/2024
    Equal Opportunity Officer | School of Business and Economics
    since 07/2018
    Extraordinary Professor | WWU Münster
    05/2016- 07/2018
    Researcher and Senior Lecturer | WWU Münster
    10/2012- 04/2016
    Researcher and Lecturer | WWU Münster
    01/2009- 09/2012
    Assistant Professor | University of Groningen
    08/2007- 12/2008
    Assistant Professor | VU Amsterdam
    08/2006- 07/2007
    Visiting Scholar | Columbia Business School (New York, USA)
    02/2003- 07/2006
    Post-Doctoral Researcher | Goethe University Frankfurt
  • External functions

    01/2022- 07/2024
    Co-Editor 'Journal of Interactive Marketing'
    2015- 12/2021
    Member of the Editorial Board of "Journal of Interactive Marketing"
    since 2003
    Member of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC)