
Digital visit of Wayne Hoyer at the Marketing Center Münster

Within the master’s course Consumer Behavior, which takes place in the current winter semester 2020/ 2021, the Marketing Center Münster was pleased to welcome Professor Wayne D. Hoyer from the University of Texas in Austin, USA. Professor Hoyer has already accompanied this course for several years and has shared his valuable insights with the students. As a long-standing guest at the MCM, he bears the title VIP (Visiting International Professor) at the University of Münster.

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IfM research fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is awarded the best dissertation price in economics

The Rector of the University of Münster and the Prorector for Strategic Human Resources Development, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels and Prof. Dr. Maike Tietjens, presented the dissertation prize in a video call to the authors of the 14 best dissertations from the 14 departments of the university. Since a ceremonial presentation was not possible due to the Corona pandemic, the Rectorate chose the digital way to congratulate the graduates personally.

Read more about IfM research fellow Dr. Jonas Schmidt is awarded the best dissertation price in economics

Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

The new study “Insight is Power: Understanding the Terms of the Consumer-Firm Data Exchange” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Retailing. The paper has been co-authored by Professor Krafft and a multinational research team consisting of, among others, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, and Jialie Chen.

Read more about Advice for retailers: How to better leverage data from and for valuable customer relationships

Successful doctoral seminar of the IfM under unusual circumstances

In the middle of October, the team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) spent its annual doctoral seminar at the Landhaus Rothenberge to discuss current research projects of its doctoral students. Although the format stems from a long tradition, this year's event took place under quite different circumstances due to the Corona pandemic. Not only were the applicable hygiene guidelines self-evidently followed, but also ways of digital communication were used to enable all team members an equally beneficial participation.

Read more about Successful doctoral seminar of the IfM under unusual circumstances

Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the markstones Institute of the University of Bremen

At the end of September, the team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) around Professor Krafft visited the markstones Institute of Christoph Burmann, Maik Eisenbeiß and Kristina Klein at the University of Bremen. In the course of a colloquium, five projects were presented by doctoral students. Of course, attention was paid to the compliance with the applicable COVID-19 protection measures, so that the colloquium also served as a good trial run for potential attendance events this coming winter semester.

Read more about Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the markstones Institute of the University of Bremen

Virtual Guest Lecture by Interbrand about Successful Brand Management

As part of the bachelor's course in Marketing Operations, Juan Barrios, Senior Designer, and Max Riedel, Consultant Brand Strategy, explained how the company Interbrand is shaping brands in today’s dynamic world.

Interbrand is a New York-based, global marketing consultancy that focuses on brands and brand management. Interbrand has more than 16 offices in 14 countries and can look back at 45 years of experience in brand management.

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