
Doctoral colloquium of the IfM at the markstones Institute of the University of Bremen

At the end of September, the team from the Chair of Marketing Management (IfM) around Professor Krafft visited the markstones Institute of Christoph Burmann, Maik Eisenbeiß and Kristina Klein at the University of Bremen. In the course of a colloquium, five projects were presented by doctoral students. Of course, attention was paid to the compliance with the applicable COVID-19 protection measures, so that the colloquium also served as a good trial run for potential attendance events this coming winter semester. Kim Kötterheinrich kicked off the event with her presentation on "New Empirical Insights into Effects of Customer Loyalty Programs". Furthermore, Vanessa Steppuhn presented one of her projects entitled "Company Ethical Label Disadoption: A Theoretical Framework" on which she is working together with Ian Clark Sinapuelas from the San Francisco State University. The doctoral colloquium finished with a lunch with the colleagues from the markstones Institute providing an opportunity for the young researchers to get to know each other better in a relaxed atmosphere.

Prior to the doctoral colloquium, the IfM team spent a few days on the island of Norderney, where long hikes, game nights, but also an early morning yoga session were used to strengthen team cohesion and to prepare for the challenges of the upcoming winter semester.

The IfM team during the ferry trip back to Norddeich.