Lina Marie Oechsner

Applications for our Data Science course are now open!

This year we are again offering the Data Science course together with our practice partner Dr. Wolff Group! The course offers our students the opportunity to train the analytical and methodological skills they need to master the challenges of today’s data rich environment based on real-world business cases.

Read more about Applications for our Data Science course are now open!

MCM offers support to students affected by the war in Ukraine

Liebe Studierende,

wir alle sind tief betroffen vom russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine und den weitreichenden Konsequenzen, die der Krieg für die Menschen dort hat. Falls Sie selbst aus der Ukraine stammen oder Verwandte dort haben, melden Sie sich doch bitte bei Christina Okoutsidou. Wir möchten Sie in dieser schweren Zeit gerne unterstützen und würden gerne mit Ihnen besprechen, wie eine Unterstützung durch das MCM sinnvoll aussehen kann.

Read more about MCM offers support to students affected by the war in Ukraine

Focus on the Customer – Digital CEMxHenkel Workshop

On February 1, 2022, the Circle of Excellence in Marketing (CEM) partner Henkel welcomed 20 students from Berlin, Cologne and Münster to a digital workshop. The warm welcome from Katja Keulertz (Junior Consumer Insights Manager) and Nico Reichert (Global Consumer Insights Manager) was followed by a company presentation including the business units and brands from the Düsseldorf-based consumer goods manufacturer.

Read more about Focus on the Customer – Digital CEMxHenkel Workshop

Consumer Behavior - Carolin Müller Shares Insights about Henkel’s Powerhouse of Hair

As part of this year’s Consumer Behavior master course, Carolin Müller from Henkel Beauty Care was invited to the Chair of Marketing Management to share practical course-related insights.

As Brand Activation Manager for the #1 hair styling brand Taft, she introduced students to the way of working in a professional marketing organization while providing a deeper understanding of how consumer behavior is actively incorporated into brand management. By for instance illustrating to the students how the relaunch of the iconic Taft in 2021 was implemented.

Read more about Consumer Behavior - Carolin Müller Shares Insights about Henkel’s Powerhouse of Hair

Studentische Hilfskräfte am Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Medien gesucht!

Der Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Medien der Westfälischen Wilhelms‐Universität Münster sucht zum 01.05.2022 zunächst befristet bis zum 30.09.2022 mehrere studentische Hilfskräfte (6 Std./ Woche) zwecks Unterstützung der Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeiten an unserem Lehrstuhl.

Du bist mindestens im 3. Semester des Bachelorstudiengangs, kannst überdurchschnittlich gute Leistungen vorweisen und begeisterst dich für Marketing, insbesondere im Bereich Digitalisierung und Medien?

Read more about Studentische Hilfskräfte am Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Medien gesucht!

Highly attended special session on “The Future of Solution Selling” during the AMA Winter Academic Conference 2022

The AMA Winter Academic Conference is one of the most important academic conferences in the marketing discipline, bringing together scholars and practitioners from around the globe. During this year’s conference, which was split into an online part on February 10-11 on the Whova platform and an in-person part on February 18-20 in Las Vegas, USA, Professor Dr.

Read more about Highly attended special session on “The Future of Solution Selling” during the AMA Winter Academic Conference 2022

(E)WOM to the Rescue! When Do We Consult Which Word-of-Mouth Channel to Buy the Best Product?

Münster’s marketing scholars have added one more piece to the EWOM puzzle: Almost 20 years after MCM Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau published what became the seminal study on consumer articulations about products and services on the internet, a team of scholars from the Marketing Center Münster has shed more light on what can be easily considered the most powerful information source in today’s digital market environment.

Read more about (E)WOM to the Rescue! When Do We Consult Which Word-of-Mouth Channel to Buy the Best Product?

Anna-Gesina Hülemeier Introduces Consumer Behavior Students to the Fundamentals of Psychology

The master students of the course “Consumer Behavior” were given many valuable insights into the basic principles of psychology in a guest lecture given by Anna-Gesina Hülemeier, a research associate and doctoral student at the University of Münster's Department of Psychology.

Read more about Anna-Gesina Hülemeier Introduces Consumer Behavior Students to the Fundamentals of Psychology

"Makers of Tomorrow" - Your chance to get first-hand insights on the topic of entrepreneurship

As a partner university of the "Makers of Tomorrow" project, we are pleased to support our students in the future in finding more courage to start their own business. "Makers of Tomorrow" is an online course for students of German-speaking universities on entrepreneurship. However, this is not an ordinary course, but a real "master class" whose vision is to give every student the opportunity to get in touch with entrepreneurship during their studies and learn from role models. In the first season, 10 inspiring founder stories are told.

Read more about "Makers of Tomorrow" - Your chance to get first-hand insights on the topic of entrepreneurship