JPSSM Best Paper and Reviewer Awards 2014

Prof. Manfred Krafft handed out the 2014 Marvin Jolson Award to Jessica Ogilvie, Nikolaos Panagopoulos and Adam Rapp (from left to right). Daniel G. Bachrach, who co-authored the award winning paper on „Salespeople as knowledge brokers: a review and critique of the challenger sales model“ (JPSSM, Vol. 34, issue 4, pp. 245-259) could not attend the Sales SIG reception.
The 2014 James M. Comer Award was handed out to Thomas E. DeCarlo (left) and James Lollar (right). David Allbright and Thomas W. Leigh, who co-authored the award winning paper on „Salesperson knowledge distinctions and sales performance“ (JPSSM, Vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 123-140) could not attend the Sales SIG reception.
The Best Reviewer Reward was handed out to Professor Ravipreet Sohi, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.