Strengthening university ties – Professor Krafft visits university on Gran Canaria

In March 2022, Professor Manfred Krafft spent three weeks at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The primary goal of the stay was to promote cooperation efforts between the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the WWU on various levels. On the one hand, an exchange program between the universities is to be established, which is to be implemented department-wide at the level of students, doctoral candidates and lecturers. To this end, Professor Krafft held several talks with the Dean Leonardo Romero Quintero and the Vice-Dean Lidia Esther Hernandez Lopez of the university. The exchange program will initially focus on bachelor's and master's students. Still in Las Palmas, Manfred Krafft initiated joint talks between the Vice-Dean and the International Relations Center (IRC) at WWU to negotiate concrete framework conditions for a student exchange program. As a first step, the exchange program is to be launched on a smaller scale in the near future, and to expand in the future depending on student feedback.
Furthermore, Professor Krafft explored possible points of contact in research. The Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has its focus in the field of agricultural and tourism research, which is particularly due to the conditions on Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands in general. The same applies to the Marketing Department of the University, which is also very focused on tourism-related topics against this background.
To round off his stay, Professor Krafft gave a guest lecture on the topic of "Private Labels vs. National Brands" in the course taught by Professor Gonzalo Díaz-Meneses. This lecture was attended by 40 to 50 students in presence and others were joined digitally. Manfred Krafft's co-authors of this study - Michael Steiner and Nina Mack - also participated in this event via Zoom.