SALTY Conference 2019 in Vienna

Also this year the academic family “SALTY“ of professor Sönke Albers (KLU) met to discuss the latest developments in Marketing. Following the invitation from professor Nadia Abou Nabout, the SALTY conference took place in Vienna from September 22 to September 24, 2019. Represented by professor Manfred Krafft, professor Sonja Gensler, professor Raoul Kübler, as well as nine research assistants, the Marketing Center Münster showed strong presence.
The state-of-the-art campus of the Vienna University of Economic and Business offered excellent surrounding conditions for the around 90 participants to discuss a wide range of topics. Whereas on the first conference day particularly PhD students used the opportunity to present their latest research findings, on the second day professor Martin Schreier (WU) and professor Martin Spann (LMU) gave a speech. Traditionally, McKinsey completed the presentations by giving a practice-oriented talk highlighting the importance of experiments in analytics.
In addition to the tight presentation schedule, a colored supporting program encouraged the exchange between PhD students and professors. In this context, a city tour as well as a dinner together offered an excellent opportunity to get in touch with employees from other universities.
We would like to thank professor Nadia Abou Nabout and her team for the great time in Vienna and look forward to the SALTY Conference 2020, hosted by professor Christian Schlereth at the WHU in Dusseldorf!