Professor Hennig-Thurau offered key note on Entertainment Science at CULTMARTS conference in Bogotá

The conference, which was the first ever of its kind in Colombia and was attended by about 500 managers from the creative industries, took place on September 17 and 18, 2019 at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, one of South America's leading research universities.
Professor Hennig-Thurau was invited to open the conference with a key note entitled "Welcome to the era of Entertainment Science!". In his 60 -minutes speech, which was followed by a 45-minutes Q&A session, Professor Hennig-Thurau illustrated the Entertainment Science way of managing films and other entertainment products, showed specific examples of how the approach can shed new light on age-old entertainment management problems, and delineated a path how each of the different players of a national film industry can benefit from it, both for their own good and also to increase the country's global competitiveness in terms of film productions as a whole.
During his stay in Colombia, Professor Hennig-Thurau also met with economics and business scholars from Colombia, as well as Javeriana's president, provost, and the business school's dean and department heads. He also spoke with Colombia's Vice Minister for the Creative Industries Felipe Buitrago Restrepo, who has co-authored the book "The Orange Economy" with Colombia's current president Iván Duque, in which they stress the importance of creative and cultural businesses for a country's growth.