
Course "How to Publish in Leading Journals" with Professor Ajay Kohli

The MCM is proud to announce that Professor Ajay Kohli will be visiting the University of Muenster to teach a Ph.D. course on "How to Publish in Leading Journals" as part of the recently installed faculty-wide doctoral program. 

Dr. Kohli is Professor of Marketing and Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair at Georgia Tech University and the former editor of one of the marketing discipline's outstanding academic publications, the Journal of Marketing. In addition, his work on market orientation and other areas is among the most-cited in marketing. The course will take place from August 17 to 20 in the MCM building. Registrations are possible for all doctoral students of the faculty of business and economics by sending an email to Anne Feldhaus (anne.feldhaus@wiwi.uni-muenster.de). 

More information and course material will be made available soon on the course website: please click here.