Ph.D. Courses at the MCM taught by Professor Mark Houston and Professor Ajay Kohli
We are proud to announce that Professors Mark Houston and Ajay Kohli will both return to Muenster to teach two key courses on "Survey Research" (Professor Mark Houston) and "How to Publish in Leading Journals" (Professor Ajay Kohli) as part of our faculty-wide Ph.D. program.
Survey Research (Professor Mark Houston)
Dates: June 20-22, 2016 (full days). For detailed course information, please click here.
Professor Mark Houston is Professor of Marketing and Department Head the Marketing Department at Texas A&M University. Until 2013, he was the president of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association (AMA).
How to Publish in Leading Journals (Professor Ajay Kohli)
Dates: July 13-15, 2016 (full days). For detailed course information, please click here.
Professor Ajay Kohli is Professor of Marketing and Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair at Georgia Tech University and the former editor of one of the marketing discipline's outstanding academic publications, the Journal of Marketing. In addition, his work on market orientation and other areas is among the most-cited in marketing.
Both courses will be taught in English at the Marketing Center Muenster, Am Stadtgraben 13-15, seminar room 6. For didactic reasons, the number of participants is limited. For further information, please visit the respective course’s website. The courses are available to Post Doc research fellow, Phd students, and research minor students.