
The Call for Papers for Winter AMA 2016 is now online

Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Charles Hofacker invite you all to join them in Las Vegas in February next year and share your best marketing research. There will be a number of exciting new formats, ranging from Petcha Kutcha sessions and videos to an overarching series of special sessions on digital topics.

Your contributions will be in great hands of our wonderful and digital-ready track chairs. Brian Brown and Alex Zablah await your submissions for B-2-B and distribution papers and sessions, Edward Malthouse and Michelle Weinberg for everything that deals with brands and integrated communication, Charla Mathwick and Lauren Isabelle Labrecque for all kinds of consumer behavior projects -- except for those using a consumer culture theory perspective, for which we have Markus Giesler and Ashlee Humphreys. Michael Ahearne and Michael Boichuk want your best wotk on CRM and sales, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch and Carlos Torelli will handle global and cross-cultural marketing topics, Glenn Omura looks out for innovation and new product related papers and sessions, and my German pal Kay Peters and Oliver Rutz want great papers that deal with analytics, metrics, and research. There are Alan Malter and Pelin Bicen who take care for marketing strategy topics, Yong Liu and Sangkil Moon run the track dedicated to media and entertainment submissions (my favorite track for sure!), Dwayne Gremler and Jeff Meyer wait for services marketing and retailing papers and sessions, and Geraldine Henderson and Kevin Thomas run the social responsibility, sustainability, and public policy track. And certainly last but not least there is Andrea Dixon for SIG-related ideas. Thank you all so much for volunteering and helping to make this conference a memorable one.

Thorsten Hennig-Thurau looks forward to seeing you all in Vegas where the motto will be what happens in Vegas ends on Facebook. Or Twitter. So tweet with Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Charles Hofacker‪#‎WinterAMA16!