Service Marketing in the Digital Age (Specific Topics of Marketing) (SoSe 2025)

Course Number

Field(s) of Study

University Calendar


Course Language


We are happy to announce that we will offer the course "Service Marketing in the Digital Age" again this semester, which will be taught by our guest lecturer Dr. Werner Kunz!

The course will follow a hybrid model including remote elements at the beginning and end of the semester and a face-to-face time block in the middle of the semester. 


Class Admission:

If you wish to participate in the course, please apply via e-mail to Lars Grewe ( with your matriculation number, full name and your Google account address until Friday, 28th of March, 2025 until 6:00 pm (EST). We will assign the additional seats to the course based on a "first-come, first-serve" principle and will let you know about your admission status timely.

Contact person: Lars Grewe, M. Sc.


Class Materials:

During the course, please communicate and stay updated via the course page on Google Classrooms. Announcements, lecture slides and any additional material will be published there. Therefore, a Google Account is mandatory for participation. It is not possible to participate without one.

The password for all materials will be announced via email.

You can find the syllabus (including a preliminary timetable) soon here.


Exam Registration:

This course is part of the module "Advanced Marketing on Specific Topics: Selected Topics in Marketing".

Please be aware, that your admission to the course via the Chair of Marketing & Media is not connected to an exam registration.

Please register yourself for the exam (you can find more details on the examination format in the syllabus linked above) at the examination office for the early examination period (AFTER your admission to the course).


Course Grade:

Please note that you will NOT be required to take an end-of-semester exam for this course. Instead, the course requires deliverables that are conveniently spread out over the semester to avoid a temporary accumulation of high workloads.

Instead of an exam, the grade consists of three components.

  • Participation during the course (based on contributions in class and online activities) (20%)
  • Individual (video) presentation and report of a topic related to the course (40%)
  •  Group project to apply the insights of the course (incl. presentation and final report) (40%)


Services dominate almost all types of economies today. The service sector accounts for most of the gross domestic product in industrialized countries and provides most jobs in many highly developed nations worldwide. Moreover, the rapid technological advancements (e.g., big data, blockchain, AI, robotics, machine learning) have caused a digital service revolution that strongly impacts our society and the way we do business. Our economies are at the dawn of a digital service revolution similar to the industrial revolution in manufacturing that started in the late 18th century. Thus, contemporary service marketing management in light of the digital age becomes even more critical.


  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (responsible)
  • Lars Grewe (accompanying)