Alumni - LMM
Several habilitations ("post-doctoral theses") and doctoral dissertations have been successfully completed under Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau's supervision at the Chair for Marketing & Media at the Marketing Center Münster (or at Bauhaus University of Weimar, if noted):
Univ.-Prof. Dr. André Marchand (2011-2017)
Entertainment Media Marketing: Key Drivers of Motion Picture and Video Game Success -
Dr. Dorothea Nilusha Aliman (2021-2024)
Transcending the Two-Dimensional? Understanding Social Interactions in Virtual EnvironmentsDr. Kai Manke (2018-2024)
How Political Information and Media Are Shaping Democracy in Digital TimesDr. Paul-Vincent Mayr (2018-2023)
Strategic Marketing Decisions for Distributing Filmed Entertainment in the Digital AgeDr. Marc Linder (2018-2023)
How Digitalization Changes Marketing and Consumer CommunicationDr. David Jütte (2019-2023)
Power is nothing without control: Side effects of extensive consumer empowerment in the digital ageDr. Ronny Behrens (2016-2022)
The Role of Algorithms and Data Analytics for Film Success Across the Value ChainDr. Ricarda Schauerte (2017-2021)
How Digitalization transforms Media MarketsDr. Benjamin Schulze (2015-2020)
Autonomous Products and Their Consumers: What We Love and Fear When Using Autonomous VehiclesProf. Dr. Nele Hansen (2014-2019)
Challenges of Digitalization in Media: Implications for Product and Brand ManagersDr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte (2014-2019)
How Digitalization Challenges the Marketing of Filmed EntertainmentDr. Maria Bartschat (2012-2016)
Der Wert verschiedener Word of Mouth-Arten für die Informationssuche von KonsumentenProf. Dr. Dr. Björn Bohnenkamp (2008-2016)
Trash - Annäherungen an ein MedienphänomenDr. Jan Flemming (2012-2015)
Good Social Media Marketing – Erfolgsdeterminanten für B2C-UnternehmenDr. Jonas vor dem Esche (2011-2015)
The impact of digitalization and social media on consumer behavior and on organizational structuresUniv.-Prof. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer geb. Knapp (2010-2013)
Marketing Hedonic Media Products: The Role of Brands and Innovations for Motion Picture SuccessProf. Dr. Torsten Heitjans (2003-2013) (Weimar)
Der Markenwert von SpielfilmenDr. Paul Marx (2006-2012) (Weimar)
Providing Actionable Recommendations: A Movie Recommendation Algorithm with Explanatory CapabilityDr. Anne Knaevelsrud (2004-2012) (Weimar)
Bindungs- und Bewältigungsreaktionen von Konsumenten nach dem Ende von MarkenbeziehungenUniv.-Prof. Dr. André Marchand (2006-2011) (Weimar)
Empfehlungssysteme für Gruppen: Entscheidungsunterstützung für den gemeinsamen Konsum hedonischer ProdukteProf. Dr. Georg Puchner (2004-2011) (Weimar)
Kundenbindung durch Relationship Marketing-InstrumenteDr. Victor Henning (2004-2010) (Weimar)
Hedonic Consumer Decision Making and Implications for the Marketing of Media GoodsDr. Stefan Fuchs (2003-2009) (Weimar)
Spielfilme im Fernsehen: Zuschauerprognose und monetäre Bewertung von SenderechtenUniv.-Prof. Dr. Michael Paul (2003-2008) (Weimar)
Theory Building in Marketing: Repeat Purchase of Service -
Additional former members of LMM
Alegra Kaczinski (2013-2020)
Christin Thedieck (2010-2016)
Fabian Feldhaus (2010-2011)