
New Study in the Journal of Retailing by MCM-Professor Hennig-Thurau and MCM Alumni Kupfer and Marchand: What Drives Store Closures in the Digital Age?

A new article co-authored by Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau from the MCM’s Chair of Marketing and Media and Prof. Ann-Kristin Kupfer (KIT) and Prof. Andre Marchand (Leipzig University), both former faculty members of the Marketing Center, has been published by the prestigious Journal of Retailing. The article explores the reasons behind the widespread closures of physical retail stores, focusing on the apparel and media sectors between 2015 and 2020. Drawing on an extensive and unique dataset combining large-scale consumer survey responses and actual closure data, the study identifies key factors, such as assortment uniqueness and store atmosphere, that significantly affect store survival, while others, like service quality, show no direct correlation.

Their comprehensive analysis provides vital insights for retailers, policymakers, and urban planners striving to navigate the challenges of the digital age. The scholars emphasize the importance of tailoring strategies based on product categories and store locations, with notable distinctions between city-center and non-central stores. The Marketing Center is proud to contribute to this timely discussion, underscoring its commitment to advancing marketing research with real-world implications.

The article is ‘open access’ and can be read and downloaded for free here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022435924000381

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