To Infinity-- and Beyond! Article by Kupfer & Hennig-Thurau published in JAMS
MCM scholars Ann-Kristin Kupfer and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau –together with co-authors Mark Houston (Texas Christian University) and Martin Spann (LMU Munich)—have published a new article on pre-release consumer buzz in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The authors explore what we all mean when we say "This movie has a lot of buzz!", offering a look at the concept's core. They employ a theories-in-use approach to conceptualize this important construct and use secondary data to illustrate the performance of the theory-based conceptualization. Their findings show that buzz is not just a cool name for word of mouth, but an intriguing construct for which they find a prominent place in marketing theory. These insights can help advance scholarship surrounding buzz systematically and enable managers to measure (and manage) buzz for their new products more precisely.
Interested readers can read the paper out here (no subscription required). For subscribers of JAMS, a downloadable and printable version is available at this link.