Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau publishes article of the power of Big Data for service firms in JSR!

Together with distinguished service marketing and strategy scholars Sonny Lam, Stefan Sleep, Shrihari Sridhar, and Alok Saboo, Professor Thorsten Hennig-Thurau has explored the success-enhancing potentials of Big Data by frontline service employees. Their article, which was accepted for publication by the Journal of Service Research and is scheduled to appear in the February issue of the journal, illustrates new ways how service providers such as retailers and fastfood companies can harvest Big Data at the customer-employee interface, using smart technology -- that is, at the very moment when their "frontline employees" are serving customers. With an Impact Factor of 2.5, the Journal of Service Research is one of marketing science's leading publication outlets, rated "A" in the Jourqual 3 ranking. We'll report more on the article in one of the next MCM News issues.