
Michael Gerke and Tim Kalwey Win the "Best Doctoral Paper" Award at the GSSI Conference

From June 8 to 11, Michael Gerke and Tim Kalwey (both doctoral students at the Chair of Marketing Management) attended the Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) conference in Frankfurt am Main. There they had the opportunity to present their joint project on interpersonal influence techniques in personal selling. In addition to sharing their motivation for the project and the multilevel research design, they were able to present the results and implications of their project and received helpful feedback to drive its successful completion. To top it off, they also won the "Best Doctoral Paper" award, beating out numerous participants.

This year's in-person conference was hosted by Professor Stefan Wengler (Hof University of Applied Sciences), Gabriele Hildmann (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), Dr. Katherine Johnson (University of Toledo, Ohio) and Professor Ulrich Vossebein (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen), after the conference had to switch to a virtual format in recent years. The overarching theme of the conference was "Creating Value for Customers and Companies in a Changing World," which was impressively underscored by both the scientific presentations and the insights into current sales practice. The program was rounded off by a musically accompanied evening boat trip on the Main River, a visit to a karaoke bar, and a concluding gala dinner that once again promoted networking.