Professor Kübler appointed as Jury member for the Neptun Crossmedia Award - 5 FREE Award Show Tickets for MCM students

From November 7 to November 8 Professor Kübler serves on the Jury board of Germany’s leading crossmedia award „Neptun" in Hamburg. Together with distinguished experts from the media and advertising industry he selects the best integrated advertising campaigns which relied on a cross-media approach. The shortlisted agencies have then on December 3rd the opportunity to present their work in front of the jury and an expert audience of marketers and advertisers who together vote for the podium. Last year’s winners included famous campaigns from brands such as Audi and Lidl and have been created by famous agencies such as Jung von Matt and Überground. „It is a great honor and pleasure for me to serve as the academic member of the jury,“ highlights Professor Kübler, who worked himself for several years in the advertising industry before becoming an academic. „It’s like a homecoming event for me. I was especially delighted to see how skillful agencies these days use brand partisanship to engage brand fans. We saw two very interesting examples of how agencies use provokant messages to increase reach and engage fans in a debate that seems to be profitable for the brand. This reminded me very much of my recent study with Behice Ilhan and Koen Pauwels in the Journal of Interactive Marketing, where we use a large social media data set with millions of posts and comments to explore how such rivalries work and which kind of dynamics they cause.“
On December 3rd, the jury will vote together with the audience on the best integrated campaigns. All nominated agencies will present their case once more in front of a unique audience. Professor Kübler was able to secure 5 tickets for the award show and the crossmedia congress in Hamburg on December 3rd, which he offers to 5 lucky MCM students. To qualify for a ticket, you only have to develop your own integrated, cross-media campaign. Present, how you would develop a campaign for the Münster Marketing Center, that communicates Münster’s unique ability, tradition and aim for top and most relevant marketing education. But be aware that your campaign must at least use 3 paid media channels (but your budget is limited to 10.000 Euros). At best your campaign however also causes wide attention in earned media and creates an outstanding level of virality that teaches the world that when it comes to marketing eduction, there is only one place to go to: the Münster Marketing Center. Be creative, be smart and choose wisely. You can submit your ideas as a PDF, a video, or audio file. Most important: Show how things shall work together and give good reasons why the different media channels work symbiotically. Submission deadline is November 25, 12pm. Winners will be notified by November 27. Please keep in mind that participants need to cover accommodation and travel costs. The intimate event will feature a unique opportunity to get in contact with the leading advertising and media managers as well as leading marketers. So don’t miss out this great chance to get more insights about integrated communications and marketing communication. In case that you have any questions, please address Professor Kübler directly.
To stimulate your creativity, have a look at current submissions for the award:
Jung von Matt for Adidas and BVG:
Grabartz und Partner for ADAC:
Strobinski for Xtip Sportwetten: