Seminar| Understanding and experiencing social virtual reality (WiSe 2021/22)
One out of five Facebook employee is now working in the field of virtual reality. Microsoft is revamping their Altspace VR community and turning it into the hub for their multi-billion Mesh initiative. Apple is developing a stand-alone mixed reality device, and almost every week a new start-up enters the Oculus Quest app store offering their version of collaboration spaces. These are just a few of many industry news that reflect the attention that virtual, augmented, and mixed reality are receiving these days.
Experts are arguing that these technologies carry the potential to fundamentally transform many facets of our lives, economies, and societies, including how we work and how we spend time with friends, and that they can impact the world in a way that few innovations have done over the last decades. One aspect that is receiving particular attention is the use of VR for social purposes – for interacting with other people, either in a work environment, for fun, or as an emulation of ”third places” which combine people’s work and private lives.
In this seminar, we will tap into this new world of computer-simulated environments by combing theory with practice. In addition to studying the growing multi-disciplinary literature on VR, AR, and XR, participants will be provided Quest 2 state-of-the-art VR devices by the Marketing Center’s research initiative, the XRLab@MCM, to explore the new realities themselves. Participants will learn about the social value that virtual reality can offer in different settings like consumption and work, but also analyze the barriers and limitations that (still) exist for the mass adoption of VR.
Contact person: Nilusha Aliman
The course is part of the module ”Seminar Marketing I/II”.
Course grade: written seminar work (50%) | Presentation (50%)
Please register at the examination office for the early examination period.
Credit points: 12 ECTS (BWL PO 2010)
Applications for the seminar are to be made via the general MCM application process for seminars; the number of participants is limited to 15..
During the course, please communicate and stay updated via the course page on Learnweb. Announcements, lecture slides and any additional material will be published there.
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau (verantwortlich)
- Alina Marie Herting (begleitend)